Can't wait to see what the B3 is gonna look like

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Long range best
Paul the Apostle writes his First Epistle to the Corinthians
My favorite picture of the day
art by knifedragon on Twitter.
This question on my drivers Ed course
This only lengthens the fight.
But the council rules over all!
What is a cow called in a earthquake? Milkshake. I’m out.
Sorry children
Florida grandpa
Can someone tell me what this even means?
Just another rich snob
Tolstoy begins writing ‘War & Peace’
But wouldn’t that eat into my burger spending?
: )
oh oh
A bot wrote an obituary, and I think it is one of the funniest things put to paper.
Still no exact answer
He has passion... for his job
Don't do it just to spite your depression.
Daily Machikado Mazoku #81 Wake up Shamiko
the babies on the tree go *splat splat splat*
I would watch that though
King Zog was a heavy smoker.
Blue character shitpost go brrr
Perverted Komi San
An undeniable fact.
Don't pet the fluffy assault cows
Fr I always be seeing that quote in every HRE meme
Gregor Mendel was a priest btw
They just can't believe it
Rider Radio
So happy with how our engagement pictures turned out!
A date which will in infamy for so many
why go gluten free when you can fight to free the gluten
The new Animal Crossing update is wild.
Show Me How It's Done
Literally what happened 66 million years ago.
The perfect pencil holder.
Nice cartoon
underrated islamic golden age
Apparently that's not how it works
no mom jokes allowed
Vroom vroom
excited scary though
Watching Kaguya sama forces you to become a chad, No other choice is available
oh how the tables have tabled
Based mommy
Come get yer flair's
"Untouchable" can have two meanings.
medieval Europe be like
The natural cycle
Fries are a Blegium thing, no doubt about that!
This Girl’s car stickers
Daily Jahy-sama meme: day 705 ✓
No wonder they have tea every day
Nikola Tesla roasting Thomas Edison [1890 ;
I'm feeling generous today
The best punishment to have
Video Game Crash of 1983 nearly killed home consoles in North America
Are you LGBTQ+?
I'm mad I know this
Title reveals in anime be like
Nice cartoon
Is it legal tho?
Cmon, we all know them lyrics
Ex: If you didn't deliver enough rubber, a hand or two was removed. This was under king Leopolds time.
Emerald Splash gets deflected by everyone.
It’s an art
They have some 0weird arguments
Kinda warm here in eastern Canada…
Weebs man. they're all the same
Never bet against Oh Jeezus
I’m getting off the charts dank readings
This picture is the embodiment of a Stephen Wright joke
Can't wait
YES!! I'm all alone again...........wait......dang it.
Tbh though, I had no feelings for her.
Winona Ryder And Eminem
There are ten Canadians in the room. It's been ten minutes since this situation developed. No one is mentioning it. The tension mounts.
US Mexican war begins 1846 AD
For all the broke ass people out there like me
I'm never going to the gym again.
No one cared who I was until I forgot to put on the mask
- Sincerely, your dear friend from the other side of the Channel.
Lil Duck Boy stopped studying
That’s a lesson to be learned, kids
Birds of the same feather flock together
Toddlers are quite the handful
Ordering high
To make it even funnier the two posts were right next each other