My local tragic waste of $1,000,000 in Perth, Western Australia.

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She passed the exams at least
I heard we’re doing shitty sculptures. This one at my university looks like he’s about to take a shit.
It’s sad but true
Apparently my co-worker also works on a farm and also has some dumb cows
*chuckles* He's in danger
Roosevelt’s family is just something else.
this strange sculpture has popped up in a few places around Glasgow. very fitting graffiti
To be hanged on a comma, indeed.
President Hidenburg suspends the freedom of the press with the Reichstag Fire Decree
We really need a season 2 for it
*Spain Intensifies*
Elon seems to be settling in over at Twitter HQ
He can't be stopped
Be Gentlemanly
Rabbit statue in czech republic
sometimes doing nothing is a good strategy
It's november, you know what that means.
You know I’m right… AND he’ll share memes from his stans boasting how BRILLIANT of a 5D chess move it was…
Mr. Comedy can't handle comedy
Comedy is now illegal on Twitter.
Imagine spending 44 billion dollars just to show everyone how much of a thin skinned baby you really are.
"The pen is mightier than the sword"
It’s completed early
Has anyone posted the Scripps Turd in San Diego? Commissioned for $200k, it’s supposed to be an ocean wave.
Stop bragging about your FPS
Visitor of a cinema in chicago being checked for hidden snacks
Funny sculptures? this ones kind of neat though. Stange Norway
Crappy art installations you say? Adelaide has an AU$174,000 big, metal pigeon. It goes with our bronze pigs and the Malls Balls.
Italy participates in WWII
Do a little trolling
Someone's gotta do it
The perfect combination
just a cute octopus ¯\__/¯
Discovery of Great Pacific garbage patch
Big where it matters
Bad art installation at my community college. It took a trip across Colorado on top of an RV.
Shitty sculptures? Here’s one of a man taking the world’s largest shit.
Progressive may be relative but still
Y’all want bad sculptures? I give you the winner from my local college campus.
cute octopus :)
A mistake was made.
Has it occured to Thomas that he might be the problem?
My fellow Americans, I have found a Counter-Argument that we can use against Europeans
It do be like that
Proposed statue in my city. No one can agree on what it's supposed to be/say.
By the gods
no nintendo november, bottom text. wait thats propably non what nnn is
These are all I know
More strange art you say?
Stop it. Get some help
Time for the poop knife
They’re a healthy food choice in general too
Small dogs scary af
Art Installation Dublin, The Spike, €4,000,000
The atoms are having a wild party lol
Bizarrest sheesh I've ever seen
Wrong Dr.
Imagine having a moment of silence in that suit
Carefully okay?
I just want to talk to foofoo..
Making memes about my countries history until i forget to day 2
It’s been 12 years…
Sir yes sir
Long live Heavy arquebus
US Marine Takes Quran Hostage
We learned this lesson a long time ago.
*V for Vendetta reference*
Pickett go ahead and send these men into the meat grinder for me, will you?
I beg your pardon?
Egypt getting screwed over by the british,name a more iconic duo
This furry has a point tho
Temple of Time open to Hylian citizens during centenary Festival of Light celebration.
Strange art sculptures you say?
The Beatles defending a free-kick
I just want to send silly emails sometimes
bind boggling
R.I.P wtf this was his last tweet. Alex Jones will go nuclear
Louis XVI's Execution .
ksayarsa, haksamanish...
Sergeant Ronald McDonald taking a smoke break after singlehandedly liberating Kuwaiti McDonald’s from invading Iraqis during operation Desert Shield
I prefer bow
"I'm all for gay rights, but James Charles is a gay wrong"
welp, at least i can look like a kung fu master