it's just my brother and I for Thanksgiving this year this is what I was told to bring.

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Have A Happy Thanksgiving, But Keep Your Bra On
The subtle craftsmanship
It’s all part of the plan!!
I'm getting nervous
Something something something something something something something
1959, Xerox invent the photocopier
Soon there will be just advertisement with some songs between
The fat ugly virgin
When did it start?
I thought long and hard about it
Lesson 101 on do not over-engineering your design.
More Horsepower
She has spoke the truth!
big smoke
Short guys, is this true?
I wish i could bleach my brain
May the King return soon...
Idk why but I hate it
John F. Kennedy gives a speech at the first Flat Earth Convention, 1963
As a last born, this hits hard.
1993: Saddam Hussein reads newpaper to 6 year old Aaron Carter.
“American Breakfast”, according to a hotel in Sumatra
When did it change?
“you’re 30?”, “you’re single and live alone?”, and “wait how many cats?” are my free-spaces for Thanksgiving Bingo this year!
Or is it both, or can you switch?
There are degens, and then there are degens
2000 B-47 and 750 b52 to counter 28 m-4s
I am altering my toilet. Pray I don’t alter it any further.
People are going to hate me for this one
Mitch Hedberg would roll over in his grave.
Leaked pregnancy glamour shot of Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan
You aren’t gonna like it
Blue lock is now canon irl
Simply a matter of different palates
My wife doesn’t know how to use my new “decoration”.
The blue lock effect
It's a clue
Better than PE
Not POG.
My wife thought she was ordering eight individual bananas...
my parents got me a bottle of rum while they were on a cruise. English is not their first language.
Crimes of similar proportions
Bolivia: can we roll it from the other end, por favor?
least self loathing hugeloler
*** upcycling and recycling, i'm doing downcycling now
Maybe the dude was handsome?
Just started watching the Thousand-Year Blood War anime and man...
Oh, no, I said too much...
Goddess wants to hang out
Ofc it takes skilled labor to construct complex monuments
Big Iron
Theodore Roosevelt with the last raptor
They should open a movie theater with all that projecting
have I ruined your childhood yet?
Why do I have 8 followers HUH
Welcome to the team comfy
there lived a certain man
Power move
Like looking into a mirror
The drip that protects from snow blindness.
It's gonna melt ya brain
Imagine not switching accent
Guy with a funny cat
Best motivational song
The community in a nutshell
Time travelers be like
I think I've mastered paint with this meme
I'm sure it didn't have long lasting negative consequences which still in someways effect the world today
Neighbors added some ornaments to my 12' tall skeleton
I was on the train and...
Nice work humanity
Twice the pride double the manager
my first m e m e e v e r
Are (((they))) hiding in the attic now?
Rip Great Aksum
It is like he was trying to lose the war
Haha get it haha
Trust me it was an accident...
I am scared bros
It's not far from the truth
My history is clean!
I have lost my humanity
Toddler got some mad wordplay
Good looking out
We get it that you don't care now stfu.
Ok, which one of you is this?
I’m disappointed that I couldn’t resist making this
my neighbors cat just get stuck in my garage
It has served me well
I made my cat an eyepatch and he rocked it.
Qatar wanted to flex.