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A Japanese fruit seller in Germany
Handicap stairs
What the dog doin
The Kobeni Fan Experience
Die For You moment
I miss when countries and continents had their own unique architecture. Now every building has to look like giant glass boxes nowadays.
The animal holocaust is real
Moat famous people on each country
Literally Me !
giving Rin the bone of his sword
A remodel project did not get completed in time for Thanksgiving, so my daughter painted a turkey on the plywood
Get behind me thot
People confuse these two to be the same
I don’t know why they don’t use google, and at this point, I’m too afraid to ask
Heil Raichu
Idk why they would vote for a background character
Recomend taking all 24 at once, you might not get another chance
I love the modern whitewashed Thanksgiving story because I know the Puritans would've hated it.
Something tells me that they didn't think this through.
US Navy breaks the Japanese codes in the battle of Midway. 1942
No cap.
These scenes get me every single time
Is this the only acceptable way to eat pumpkin pie?
So are we watching this together or naw?
Vaild info
perfect depiction
Vibes are off
You're supposed to skip all of the bad ones.
Tiny island of Great Britain against the Nazi Juggernaut
Have some rest
Mashed Pudurders
Kid Tucker Carlson
You’ve gotta keep your priorities straight.
One of the rare instances entrapment is good
Don't take drugs
you're all beautiful
Just one more wave! Do it for your King!
Quickest way to start a fight on TG
Daily Jahy-sama meme: day 813 ✓
"of course I am"
how does she know :/
I do watch some anime like shield hero.
Mister steal your girl?
Sometimes that's all it takes
Honestly I forgot
My cat and I are still chill.
Painful death
Ping: 999
My mother just told everyone, "This is the vegan option"
Single person’s Thanksgiving meal
Man Couldn't they have waited 84 years?
Wojtek, Poland’s finest soldier
sometimes things go for the opposite
Jesus was a horrible negotiator
History is always uncovered
mom: "no we have them at home"
Let us see what cursed posts we find
my little brother’s Christmas list.
My last minute thanksgiving shopping list from my wife
When big countries commit atrocities they apparently can get away with it
Break down break down!
Looking back, it still doesn't make sense!
I helped today- wife told me to stay out of the kitchen. This is what I was allowed to do.
Pets are not allowed in this restaurant
they voted blue no matter who for 50 years straight
It took 14 years but I can finally sell my car.
A smug Lee Harvey Oswald is escorted by police to an armoured car. This photo was taken just seconds before Jack Ruby fatally shot him.
Better than most of the other mordern cn cartoons
Did you mean Switzerland ?????
Services no longer required
At least one of its personalities will treat you right
Sigma Dadset
Strange looking ball goes brrr
No wonder this shit feels like hell
Can't get any higher than that
My parents still love me. Help
Who doesn't like music
A great day to be a capybara I guess
Final adjustments are made to Mark Zuckerberg a few months before going in front of congress
My mom told me to make something nice to wear for Thanksgiving. I think I nailed it.
2022 soccer teams are whack
Classic speed trap
Hand egg…there is another
Bismarck in a nutshell