I’ve been waiting my whole life for this moment

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Can’t be worse than 22
china must stop this
Meanwhile, MAPPA needs to work on Chainsawman, Jujutsu Kaisen season 2
down is good
I now understand the hate
She's beautiful though, it's okay
Bruh, i thought of this question while having a fever
why is it like that...
i go with the second one
The most lopsided game in American college football history
Racist time traveler attempts to murder future US president Barack Obama by sniping him with a shitty boomerang, 1965.
The witches are about to fight a demon named Carbon Monoxide
Well played MKG, well played indeed
*writes in enchanting table*
So much pain and pleasure in one scream
I rember perl horber
I share an office with a highly caffeinated graphic designer
Tiny crack in a driveway? Let's go!
Hating Him Says More About Your Character
He will be remembered
Megumin is a likeable character that already puts her above Louise
Google en passant
The oldest gaming controller ever found
It’s evolving just backwards
guess that maybe true
Check mate SJWs
I’m half gay but still.
Framing this for my house
Elon testing his brain chip to communicate with a horse for the first time in history - 2016
For me it is very efficient
If you know…
why is this an Ad
How about we ignore the word art and just say “This is a picture that was created by a thing that wasn’t a camera”
Not-So-Fun Size
Not even a day after our dog had a mass removal, I ended up having an emergency appendectomy. Wife is taking care of both of us.
I’m fat and lazy
I wish them all a pleasant evening
Best censor ever change my mind
Knights who say ni-
To show the beast within.
There are no paintings of Napoleon or the Tsar kissing their wives btw. Just each other.
Every god dam year it's a lie but ..
*** Zodiac signs what’s you’re first initial in Nordic Runes
Sachi finds Snek's old skin
The height of evil
Normies born to follow forced to reject
that's chump change
Don't spread poison to our garbage as well Musk
Ah yes the ancient mace…
oh the 90s
Maybe is just an Iberian thing, but we just make our empires' map bigger every year, at this rate the entire Earth will be Spain
i dare you, i double dare you
Filthy Brits
Daily Jahy-sama meme: day 833 ✓
It's necessary for the mission
Any body else traumatised right before Xmas?....
Serbian Election 101
Historic tensions begin to flare up in Yugoslavia
This Would Be Wild
A fair price to pay
i miss u too :(
Who are you rooting for? Argentina or France?
how to do some trolling
truly sorry for what they did to both of you
First photo of the new Arizona-Mexico border
Happened around Villers-Bocage. Every British tank post WW2 has tea making facilities inside it now
What do you guys want and why
Any ideas how you would say that?
An apology wasn't issued until 1988.
ain't stupid if it works
Bearing it all
Internet ☕
come on, tell me big fan
The way my wife decorates for Christmas
East India rulez
*** Henry the 8th, all my homies hate Henry the 8th
I don’t care if a game has Atari 2600 graphics or requires a liquid nitrogen called PC with 10,000 graphics cards. As long as it has good gameplay, I’m happy.
There is no fourth...
This dudes hair on Dateline
My dad has his colonoscopy tomorrow and this is what he put on his prescription laxative jug
Amadeus has done the man dirty.
Real no waste Gs are 6 or 7
Matt Damon has been arrested for shaving his head without a permit.
........ it's seems we have made an error in our calculations
someone please tell me, how can I break the circle?
Tribbiani only saving grace broh
Auschwitz prisoners arrested the commandant of their concentration camp -
I hope they have terrorism insurance
And yes these are all from different series