I bought a new gaming chair. These are the warnings on the back of the box

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England's difficulty is Ireland's opportunity, or so the old Irish Republican adage goes
They made an anime about an old meme lol
Please let us know women of internet
But these two look so friendly
The law requires that I say "No"
Anya is a Boomer
Logan Paul and his friends find a dead body in the suicide forest
It's so hard to choose
When Lucius found Jesus
Context: Einstein's last words were in German, and the only witness of his death was his nurse who didn't know the language.
Ultra femininity
The Germans, truly the master race
Does this still bug anyone else as much?
The Netherlands at Versaillles were the opposite of Denmark: Denmark got land without joining WW1, The Netherlands almost lost land
1.5 million Purple Heart medals were made for Operation Downfall
Won't win an Oscar but still interesting none of the less
We have a problem here
They lost that war before it even began
This happens every time I watch a slice of life anime
when can we get dog-based superheroes? :/
Spaceballs 2: The Search For More Money
My man changed a culture of beards being barbarian to being the norm for 300 years.
All this time I thought it was a pot of gold...
Convincing argument
Bill Gates founder if Microsoft in his garage startup
Robin hood is born
Now Hiring Losers
They must've let down their guard
seriously how tho
Sitting on a throne of lies
Better to be a smart fella than a fart smella
Engineer privilege
I'm sure they are more, but I don't play every game that comes out.
Holy Sh!t He Actually Did It
Guys please stop I don’t care
Some genocides are more tragic for sure
It's physically painful to look at. I'm calling the police
First portal to the backrooms found 2010
I'm going to capture and defeat you all!
and it had been created in like 20 seconds in my head
Don't know what to write here.
I realy don't.
They don't know the current meta
Wat nou?
Dunno who you are but i hope it's worth it
put your grasses on
I still did really like it though.
Why are girls called chicks?
Royal Couple
Discord Server Birthday
Gonna need an answer here
Seriously where though?
It be like that lately
Aaron earned and iron urn
Strong independent Tomboys do something to me
Dammit CNN, just create problems where they don't exist.
I remember when this place use to be funny
Atheist is just playing the hardcore mode
Yo boy has standards
But mom, they are ginormous
The French destroying the Eiffel tower over the course of a week in protest over the infamous baguette and french fry shortage of 2017
Stupid games -> stupid prizes
what can I write inside this card for my brothers 19th birthday?
I feel so very conflicted
season II of posting a meme about every Roman emperor each day. Day XIII. Trajan
Selling stuff on Craigslist - Part 4
It's quite unfair
Hundreds to thousands of good boys are gone forever
Stonehendge being built colourised
This did not go as planned
Everyone that likes history has had this moment at least a few times
Norway, what the heck?
They who shall not be named
The Roman invasion of Dacia
What a wonderful time we are living!
Kitchen nightmares
I love British history!
Licensed to chill
Looking up historical conspiracy theories is a fun thing to do because you come across people trying to claim that the Hebrews migrated to Japan.
Everytime man, every time
It's a stupid argument
No Way Home was the exception
"We are 100% sustainable"
one is better than the other
I thought he had 3 eyes
bige smort tiem
What a fortune…
This jacket is basically a fair game
"I am for real"
Archaeologists discover the skull of mosquito from the Jurassic period
My friend does taxidermy. What's your wish?
Fortunately, we have archeology, but it will never be the same
River falling asleep, sitting up, with a toy in her mouth. This is a common occurrence.