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Gotta love Yoga..
But sh*t, it was 99?
Hi, It's Adam
Tree Branch Vs Power Line
How my brother beats me at fighting games
Saddest moment from the 80's...
America summarised
Only in <Insert-Nation>
Nigel fish
Happy Birthday!
Lets just think about it for a moment...
I can't watch a movie if it doesn't make complete logical sense
Misunderstood terrorist
WAY worse than any saw movie
No gamer ever...
Yeah there's something about them :) .
Breaks your heart doesn't it?
Cosplay, you're doing it right!
I always know what to say when I meet important people
F*** the Police
OMG, get it off, GET IT OFF!!!!
Well that was unexpected
You shall not pass
It was worth the divorce process!
Now that's getting rickrolled! Try it ;)
Don?t try this at home
Photogenic... what ever the f*ck this is
Best way to make friends
North Korea's nuclear capability
I can't stop laughing!
Here's an example of a dumbf*ck
I'm so getting nuked
How !?
I present to you: Cristiano Fatzonaldo
Roll away
Who the f*ck is DJ?
When someone I hate asks for some of my food...!
Funny kitchen #7
So close
North Korea in a nutshell
It's never too early in life to troll.
Paranoid Parrot
Pretty super serious
Yeah it's me.. WALDO! And I just came out of a condom!
Oh facebook..
My printer has had ink for 14 months
Ridiculously Photogenic Mug Shot
Everybody loves pie
S*** Tyrone get it together
Another useless cat
Probably the best idea in history...
Girly things so accurate
The eternal milk drinking machine
Story of my life
Nothing in this picture is not Nicholas Cage.
A little too excited?
Try not to cry
How could i miss that?
Nice trick!
When I repost things
Let's play airplane...
When someone mentions your name in conversation
Bad luck Jong-un
Spain in easter
WTF Daryl?!?!
Reminds me to punk hazard
My grandma's the same way
Sims legit
When your cosplay is so bad that even villians are ashamed of you...
There is also a restaurant that will give you free meal for the same thing
How I imagine a battle between North Korea and America will go
This explanation ...
Wait... what?!?!
Smart girl...
The V
When you realize you?re chewing on a borrowed pen.
Do you need one?
When I first got Skyrim
Being chased....No problem!
Damn you!
When spelling takes a dark turn
My friends "Ex" girlfriend showed up to our party after we heard she had cheated on him. This was ou
It looks like she's really lost.
Almost had me there.
I would like to think that it's a form of art
Grammar, people!
Still better story than Twillight...
144p? Seriously?
Ideal name for a band
The center of the internet
There is always that one person
Can't tell us what to do
A little bit creepy
You'll have it. I promise.
Always happens
Hell yeah
Just white girl things.