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I hope this is important, I was busy contemplating the ghastly aching void that is my meaningless life.
5-Year Club

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Naughty Texas Tech Girl
"I don't know about you"
A failure Apple is
Fair enough
I died a little
I'd hive a heart attack
How americans see Lance Armstrong
Tumblr, everyone
Dad of the year
I cant believe it aint butter
love when that happens
I don't know what to say to this
Time for bed you little shit
Please don't let VladimirPutin steal my post
Karma compilation
You wut m8? Say that to my face
When comments are better than the post..
Whoes line Comp
Some people are so rude
I am so going to Siberia for this...
Several bad puns later...
to all the haters out there
I am scared of the fact that the post could be from a fat dude
How to make guests have heart failure
Knowledge is power
The ultimate question
MFW I am drunk and browse the fresh page
War... War never changes
Dad is insane
A damn toaster
If dogs could talk
Can I get you anything?
Sums it up.
ive never identified with an animal so closely before
Every time i see news
I guess an American accent comes naturally to people raised by monkeys.
When reverse gifs are better than the original.
Almost spilled my coffee
The epicness of this picture is overwhelming
Just look at it...
Always have a plan b
just Australia...
Why Are We Not Funding This?
Moisturize it
Someone has just won internet for the day.
Don't push my around, I won't stand for it.
Taking it seriously
poor Polandball
I dont know what he is talking about
How to catch a white girl
Is that rude?
You people are backwards.
Strategy gamers
Ich habe es nicht gewüsst.
My reaction when I see positive comments on my posts
I use paint M'kay
Hello? Is this China? You can nuke now.
Row, row, row the boat - Alone
He's feeling alright.
Short dress...
D-d-d-drop the logic
*Insert random title here*
Because tumblr should be funny, even today.
Lois knew it all along
Someone finally did it.
my thoughts on his posts on the frontpage in the last days
Roles have changed.
I'll neva foget
Ash! Did you remember to bring a burn heal?
Billy Connolly
And vegetables... Oh wait still hate it.
What's that smell?
Arrow to the knee is nordic slang for marriage
and seduce you i will
Told Sergei to make a picture.
That feeling when the stairs end but you are expecting a step.
Better go get my gay parents.
This will haunt me in my dreams (Yes, they're legos)
Stop dancing, you look ridiculous
Why you should never friend your family on Facebook.
What my thoughts are right now... you don't have to be different to be good
New Wrestling Strategy
Oh shiiiiiiii.....this was a terrible idea!!!
My Goatee isn't stupid.
Putin wouldn't have let this happen...
For your trolling need.
damn you...
How 99% of Monopoly games end...
Waffle falling over... and over... and over...
To all my haters, with love <3
Pussy owners, beware.
So.... guess it was an apple pie before midnight ?