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Satan Rae Jepsen
Can you say 'Bigoted ***'
neighborhood school
hilter will be proud
They grow up so fast
Hakuna Matata, man.
I feel better now.
Caught myself doing it yesterday.
Don't mention the war.
Autobots....ROLL OUT!
once you start thinking of this post when you are high in public...
Oh hes such a genius.
Suicide Bridge.
I have the problem with Waitresses.
Usual day being a farmer
Office joke
I think you got it wrong
On the other hand he might consider being a strip-club owner
weird ass hamsters
No other way.
Batman finally lost it... Credits to the guys at Dorkly.
Feel the power
Go away pikachu!
Smooth as butter.
fountain of youth
Tell me again why the internet loves cats?
Everyone knows once you make it upstairs you're safe
When I see fake iphone conversations
I'm begging you, please!
Damn people with vaginas !
don't judge i'm an artist
Friend of mine got cropped out of the MIDDLE of a picture
So this is how girls get their fake tans during the winter.
You bring shame to our family son.
I present to you... The Walking Dead...
good choice !
The force is strong with this one.
then we could all be great philosophers like jaden
So romantic
too soon?
grandmas remote
me in church, after my parents forced me to go with, cause christmas and sht
Wind: How does it work, Kanye?
slow down there, satan
problem solved
them daniels!
A friend just finished printing his research manuscript. He acknowledged us so well.
Every Death in Game of Thrones.
For all you chemists out there.
Just dont note this anymore
Goggles are for fashion just like chainsaws
those realistic tattoos... they are so real that are kind of scary
Well then.
much swear, such done
Quick Robin, to the Fapmobile
A real life Pokémon
Im so dqulaer right now
Plot Twist.
413 biscuits.
proceed to procrastinate
This should be in olympics.
Deck the balls with armored elbows, fa la la la laaa la la la laaa
Ohh well shit Tyrone.
if Walter told chem jokes
Most trees are blue.
Spiderchef? Now that's closer..
Sadly this is how I spend my free time
This could be the beginning of the end.
I also feel him
We have a winner here
Distract him!
Smoked fish, now with extra nicotine
Simple Science Really
Gordon Ramsey is my hero.
Somebody needs water for that burn.
not your parents
Why not Adolf?
Never forget.
"carl you're a freaking retard"
that must of SUCKED
What happens when guys get bored on the beach
Million dollar Dino baby?
And nobody noticed anything...
Tumblr is such a p(h)unny place
Kratos does ballet!
Healthier than a McBurger though.
He evolved into what he desires most
Yeah, the dinosaurs were obviously domesticated
instant karma
playing a horror game with weapons
Well... no
How Asian grades work
What goes through my mind when talking to my crush.