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I post comments and things.
Legends say that I'm magical. They're probably wrong.

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This tastes like my grans feet you worthless ***ing Alpaca.
The things we do to escape studying
No Free Pizza For You!
I just got this...
We do god dammit
Must drink beer
Shit, Greg is ***ed.
Pokemon players be like:
Dora is indifferent to your suffering
that moment when u want to escape reality so badly
How to do things Properly 101.
What do you call a dancing tree? ENT-ertainment
yeah! angles ***!
ignorance is a bliss
Almost as badass as playing wii without the safety band
Lifeguard Girl
Do You Trust This Printer?
More stressful than the Holocaust.
wiggle, wiggle, wiggle...
we're doomed (plus: follow up in the comments)
because you're a ***.
its quick, easy, and free
Aahhh.... Technology
Wanna see a magic trick?
girls on their periods
...and a duck-tor
inb4 only 90s kids will remember
real godzillas, real beauty
father of the year now and forever
Jack Swallow
all aboard
perks of losing weight
no wincest for you ***
my coworker, everyone
also known as the common broracuda
pretty much
Technology nowadays
Faster Ivan
missing the point
Babysitting the lil niglet : am i doing it right?
Karma's a ***
Taco bell is nothing compared to this
Shrek is Love, Shrek is Life
downvoting posts on the front page just for the f*ck of it
Just got pwnd
he's super cereal
Success of soviet engineering
Here's your coffee
When I see the *** watermark!
Pc master race
"What matters is in the inside" they said, "Nobody will judge you" they said
Spodermen Plz
When I create a post!
a little fatherly affection
Mother of the year
fun little prank
so beautiful
when two worlds collide
MRW im going on the fresh page, after i've spent four days watching all GoT episodes
Intensifying Intensifies
God Days in Africa
why the hell didn't he never take the eagles?!
Miki pls
How I feel about small children
Class turtle has finally evolved into Blastoise.
Game of owns
just wait for the unsinkable to happen
How not to catch them all
that winds me up
beast mode active
10/10 would read again
Satan Would be proud
Jaime please.
Omg no wonder
You have 99 ploblems, you solve them all
false advertising
Unless it's a Nokia, then, it's Schrodinger's floor you should worry about
this guy has my dreamjob
Never underestimate the ingenuity of a college student trying to get something for free.
I'm so sorry for posting this, I really am, please do not be offended
like one of your french girls
Ohh Chicago.
God bless
Instant awkwardness
House's one-liner game is strong as hell
Westeros's GoT Talent.
its mating season
he dies with the little dignity he has left
Didn't see that coming
Black History Month.
women in a nutshell