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Not trying to come off as rude, but sometimes I feel like this is the case.
Dark Souls in a nutshell.
console peasants be mad
Low budget Pixar intro. Thanks Obama
That ***ing show.
Meanwhile in google images
Best dating advice ever
Will we ever find this cat??!
Live your dreams.
Nailed it
Just discovered what my new profession should be
Massively downvoting posts on fresh page
*** her right in the pursey
Mission accomplished
Uh, Hi...can I-NO!
Dammit! i thought it was a spheal
Levels of Asian.
what a stupid question, its 50
Deny all you want. See if I give a shit.
Jake and Finn getting real
My brain when bored.
Christians be like...
Worth it.
The question 'Why is granny green?' probably has the same answer
Pornos be like...
That's how I go muff diving..
Carl is the hero we need.
you in trouble son'
Dude Get out....
this guy really liked his bulbasaur..
japan can into disguise
Downvoting on Fresh like...
w ar annoymuz, w ar ligeon
Check yourself before you Shrek yourself
When my friends are wasted but I still feel like partying
I thought that this notebook have infinite amount of pages
well maybe i'll give a solid dick with my kids
Gold diggers be like
You can't buy your way out of Luigi's wrath
There goes my dream of doing stand up
Double Standards!
All of them are trap cards
GoatSimulator.exe just crashed
Coincidence? I THINK NOT.
Is this Australia?
Get rid of the earth. It can't rain if there is no earth
there's no time for a gf when you gotta be 1st
Thank god for childhood naivety...
You don't *** with Luigi. Ever
Swear to god that devil's contraption has eyes
Way to go Tyrone
Abort everything
Gee, thanks, Bing!
Ass Eater Has Great Coverage
They say that hope springs eternal
America's next QWOP model
Looks like he enjoys eating dick..
So I completed Japan in my World Cup sticker album
this type of jokes are a bit stretched out tho'
just *** it
To /b/ or not to /b/ - that's the title
Deal with it
I support this
favorite pickupline
even for black people
thanks Obama !
how i got my gf
North Korea=Best Korea
Enjoy the little things.
I watch spongebob for the plot
Pussyslayer right here
best party ever
Nay I say
nothing more annoying than that
Avada Kedavra mother***er
May the council decide.
Little *** doesn't like Pizza
little time for feels
The MILF lord has spoken.
MRW someone downvotes a good post and I upvote it to cancel out their downvote.
Real Success; Android Edition
Happens everytime
Now I'm A Free Pig, And There's Nothing That You Could Do About It! 'It's A ROMAN Law!
Nothing can go wrong! We have taken numerous security measures.
great leader kickin ass