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I'm Not a Rich Man
when kanye 69's with kim
God dammit Trebek!
jokes on him though, i droppped out from school!
A white trash version of the game show Concentration. Breathtaking.
This girl is not hitting me in the ass!!
Hate waiting for things..
how my wingman signals me that i am in the clear
An accident first aid training
Adam And Steve
This could be interesting!
Saw this at work today
It was an honest mistake...
Friendzone OR Blackhole: You can't get out.
Look at that slut dancing so close!
When somebody asks me what my hobby is "flying dicks"
Math for grownups
Help is coming to buffalo guys
waking up and realizing you slept through your alarm
Eating your drinks.
Been chatting with a cute 14 year old girl...
A boy entered the store and made a decision that turned him into a man
Let me love you
Well, shit...
girls talking about jobs, what an age we live in.
Such wood
Bill Cosby : Rap allegations
Not very bright
Just some helpful life advice.
MRW friend asks me how come I modded skyrim on PC and he has a gaming console
1 secret trick to get laid.
explain one of the pictures and win a free imaginary cookie! 2 AND WIN A INFLATABLE MICROWAVE!!!!!
Great for short folk
Why is this dog acting like a cat?
MRW I am at war on but cant get off Hiddenlol
Ah yes, African American Pride indeed.
"Hovercat, Hovercat, what are they feeding you?"
I'm on it
This never gets old or irrelevant...
I posted this tommorow
In Soviet Russia, you don't hit the pothole, the pothole hits you
Must have been a tough morning
Visual quantification of a goat's IQ
Play dead... play dead... attack!
Before you freak out, just remember this
Shit just goat real...
Anyway, here's Wonderwall.
Ain't going to happen Sean
ooo dam...
This just got posted to "Ace-Ventura: Pet Detective's" Facebook Page....
Gay halloween parties
Nice try, but I'm not falling for that again
Not sure how he is smiling after that
Damn straight!
Badass goat
Aye Tina.
The difference between Americans and Australians.
Who doesn't love a cartoon of the Muppets going bad?
Debates priorities
She definitely asked for it
Stephen Colbert's thoughts on global warming.
Clearasil's new marketing campaign is spot on.
A new way to score
This guy.
Now he attracts food and metal
Schoolhouse Rock 2
Grow some balls
Let it go Bruce.
My Reaction When I'm finally old enough to drink alcohol
The toughest Thanksgiving dilemma
This happens way too often...
Seasonal Job/Now Hiring/No Experience Necessary/Company Car
No Jane needed here
John Mulaney is pretty underrated.
There are two types of girls
Something is wrong with this baby...
That's genius
Already recieving a pension
Reasons to like France
Whenever I hear 10 year old boys raging on COD.
Don't Stare. Do NOT stare! Oh god, I'm staring!
Revolutionary war
Ferocious guard dog chases off burglar
Phew ...
Marriage Counseling
It was so cold that even the ghost froze
yummmm medium rare human
Schrodinger's cookies
So that's why.
Two words: Oculus Rift
I've been waiting since march to post this