This picture of Elsa being "arrested" in South Carolina looks like the beginning of a porno

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never have a romantic diner with candlelight and beans
Yeah man definitely a kangaroo.
How to : female character
Now I know the difference
Nyuk nyuk nyuk
The longer you stare, the funnier it gets
what if the aliens turn out to be dicks, did anyone consider that possibility
Living in Hungary rule #1: Don't get sick
Bad placement
I identify myself as trans-atlantic
Hand job
So that's why they alwasy talk shit
Fresh hobbit
The Sun Comic
Boom. Headshot.
It is a matter of location
They had a duty
oh denzel
Writing an exam you didn't study for
Be brave! Don’t show fear!
Things that didn't happen or maybe did but nobody remembers.
yes Tyrone sir
Emma Stone is by far the best sister ever.
The silent killer
We call them femnazis for a reason
You think this is a game?
Confederacy of Independent Systems
Tiger goes limp
fun at party of introverts
That escalated quickly
it's a logical sequence...
Glorious leader
Hey look, a penny
Monty Python and the Revenge of the Sith
My ice maker works. So I got that going for me...which is ice.
Anti friend-zone technique unlocked
Never leave baby alone with demonic shadow hand dad....
Genius...quite the ***, but genius
All hail Dra'nakyuek - our Lord and Saviour
A duck.
White ppl
meh 9/11
The importance of Scooby-Doo.
Black magic! Black magic!
The right way to spell it.
Meanwhile in Australia..
Nice try Mia Khalifa... But stick to porn
When Canada sends military support to combat ISIS
Porn site tags be like "hot teen"
The ultimate act of desperation.
Sports anime...
Let's go bowling
All mighty leader
Math is hard
Bang bang
i had some privilege in my eye, officer
Jet fuel cant melt steel beams
100 Years Old
the words or a german doing this, dunno which one is better
And this guy with a darker sense of humor.
He came in first
historical turn as of known by year 4331
"Don't be too rude thanks~ ^-^"
First Date:
6.5 million groin punches per second
That's one way of making that point ...
weather forecast in detroit
thanks fam
correlation =/= causation. apparently this guy says "*** that"
4 Year Old Son, Proud Father!
Printer always be jammin'
so... back to blowjob again
double kill
When you send the nudes and they just respond 'k'
I've sketched the biggest lie of this century
too fast
couching level: Sultan
Aww, that's cu... ewww
"Bill Gates was a drop out"
Worst fanny pack design ever.
MFW I'm drunk and stand up
cuz it was an inside job?
To be fair, anyone who brings me pizza is pretty important.
googled "jaws of life" and found salvation instead
noticed something during the oscars.
See ya grandma!
Rare photo of Jesus blessing Patricia Arquette during her acceptance speech.
Game of Birthdays
I think Mr. Krabs finnally felt it
When your buddy says he's staying home and then you spot him at the bar
Captain Planet isn't believable