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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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Tears of a clown
Apple is finally admitting they didn't invent anything.
New Dimension
Oh the puns
Support our troops?
Feminism intensifies
feels sad man...
What a waste of time
Deal with it
Pay attention while on phone or this might happen.
Yip yip
every time.
Reno 911 never failed to make chuckle
Have we met?
God Bless 'Murica.
Wax on wax off
How to raise your kid right
Then WTF is it?!?!?
Upper management in a nutshell
This guy probably lives in a hole to be more underground
Scully is a true American.
Photoshoped Baby West
Apple Right Now....
Only in Canada...
Have you seen Forrest Gump?
Because *** Her
Yearbook quote
What does that even mean?!
Take notes, this is how you get a job
"Goddammit Chuck!"
I'm sure this'll keep people from running into each other.
Oh Jerry
Even got the year right
Rob DenBleyker did fan art for Rick and Morty
Get it together Shawn
Apple on the "stylus"
When someones hair looks like food
Hitler vs Stalin
We make our own tree fiddy around here
Please go away
most satisfying meal ever
Today, Queen Elizabeth becomes longest-reigning UK monarch
My kind of park
me irl
*Airhorn sounds*
The face of satisfaction
Internet etiquette. Super simple stuff.
This is where we are heading
Very Odd Show
Honesty in advertising.
Thot math
now we are equal
me irl
Turn signals are optional
The new fragrance
trying to handwrite shit during the first week of school after summer like
Scientists call this the "Women are wonderful effect"
a bolt from the blue
Game of Life
The Suffering of Isaac
waking up
I didn't miss the opposite day, did i?
Use your phone to save dinner
Why you shouldn't wear a brown dress in a swimming pool
Wisdom vs. Knowledge
Grunt police work
She'll just give me her gym badge
Casuals x-post skyrim
Our lord and savior has returned
a date to remember
Sad But True
Avengers 2 would've been a much shorter movie
Challenge accepted.
The land of opportunity
Superman - The College Years
human rodeo
aussies give the best advice
she said eat pancakes n chill
When your mix tape is fire, you put that shit out there.
my life goals
Arthur No!
God is a problem solver
Welcome to Engineering
I'm trying to run The Daily Bugle you ***...
Vladimir Pudding
we can all read it in your face
Look at my username
Dont get mad, pay it forward!
You guys are fans of 2 Broke Girls, right?
Alcohol works on all wounds
Guys, come on..
Daphne has not aged well...
Welcome to Bulgaria
Laugh if you had a stable relationship with your parents