German newspaper: Refugee Crisis is going to be a matter for the boss (picture= new movie)

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Assassins Creed LVII: Who Cares
Simpsons is the best.
It really is
Don't act surprised.
Pretty good advice
MC Shotgun
Why Canada
Marvin still a better ref than Joey Crawford
The Most American Movie
This is bordering on insanity!
Picture of the moon.
Randomly browsing Google Maps when suddenly
Evil Incarnate
Meanwhile in Japan
Art comes in many forms and shapes.
The article isn't serious, but she is!
Very poor choice of words...
Where's America?
It's a women thing. We wouldn't understand.
Tailgating actively discouraged...
When Pokémon GO is released
Khal Drogo's workout routine
When's it due?
Don't let the bots win!
4:00AM - You have one new message
Special Delivery
These are the questions that keeps me awake at night
Seen in a math book
Made in china
modern chicks
Fun Fact.
Have you never heard of the famous computer brand SNSV??
me irl
Feeling a bit drafty
Nailed it.
NASA Earth Observatory just uploaded this:
The ripe old age
She's so talented!
Get it together Matt.
And so it begins...
Make this guy a Commander!
Maybe we should privatize those things...
King of the Creepers
Bought this gem at a church yard sale.
Shit got me wondering
Cinderella Party
"The terrorists are winning"
That used to be a hospital
was it really worth it ?
NASA can't resist
What happens when you grow catnip in your backyard.
Sitting at the mall.
Shhhh... No Dreams, Only Ducks
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Oh yeah, Miss Marquez
Nature's Call
Seriously, dude.
me irl
Tooooo Excited
Always check your kids bags
Hi, nice to mee–
Real estate contract
Next, the 5 most dangerous creatures living on earth *camera shakes for no reason*
Draw your sword.
the 'classic' knock knock joke
Car salesmanship.
Sexual tolerance
0/10 France was not realistic
Monty Python still worried about the outcome
Wyd lil bruh
Definition of a nurse
I'm gonna touch it
She's about to coma
The future.
It took Snorlax 17 years and 8 months to get up
master race
In case of fire..
Survival of the fattest
How drunk did Jack get last night?
Slav Squat
"Fighting big enemies in Dark Souls"
Volvo pls
having lecture at 8 but a rave at 9
ಡ ï¹ à²¡
This is why people drop out of school
Thanks Microsoft ðŸ‘ðŸ»
After a long day
A wonderful time to live