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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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Problem Solver
When a freshmen hangs out with a couple of seniors.
*Tears of freedom intensify*
Are they legal?
Goddamnit David
me irl
Wizard School
Mrw i'm in the wrong gif
Poor Jerom
Infuriating boss fights
Comcast Customer Support tells you how they really feel.
Seems legit to me.
are you not entertained?
That's my fetish
"No worries random stranger, thanks for having me!"
VHS and Chill?
Time to get spooky
Apply some cherry flavored water to that burn
Just got a new selfie stick
Gotta go fast
When your ball gets stuck under your car.
That kind of person
Milk and bears
Florida man
Pro hide and seek
anon avoids crisis
Total looser, Larry !!
Enter If You Dare
At least there is no *** watermark
Some tell the Truth for a Living, Others Lie for a Living
his testing skills are so hot
Ernesto is my spirit animal.
This shit has honestly gone too far
Dog.exe has crashed
Nobel Prize Winner Tu Youyou
punchline fail
It's time to end this ugly stereotype once and for all
Monty Python in all its British glory.
National news in Norway did a piece on eye tests. Anchors had no clue.
Tax payers' money at that
[syrups bilingually]
Economic crisis
The very definition of irony.
Who the hell was in charge of this monstrosity?!
No womans allowed
Too soon?
Hell yeah it is
What son?
Hiddenlol down ? No problemo :-)
Cinnamon Rolls
German newspaper: Refugee Crisis is going to be a matter for the boss (picture= new movie)
Assassins Creed LVII: Who Cares
Simpsons is the best.
It really is
Don't act surprised.
Pretty good advice
MC Shotgun
Why Canada
Marvin still a better ref than Joey Crawford
The Most American Movie
This is bordering on insanity!
Picture of the moon.
Randomly browsing Google Maps when suddenly
Evil Incarnate
Meanwhile in Japan
Art comes in many forms and shapes.
The article isn't serious, but she is!
Very poor choice of words...
Where's America?
It's a women thing. We wouldn't understand.
Tailgating actively discouraged...
When Pokémon GO is released
Khal Drogo's workout routine
When's it due?
Don't let the bots win!
4:00AM - You have one new message
Special Delivery
These are the questions that keeps me awake at night
Seen in a math book
Made in china
modern chicks
Fun Fact.
Have you never heard of the famous computer brand SNSV??
me irl
Feeling a bit drafty
Nailed it.
NASA Earth Observatory just uploaded this:
The ripe old age
She's so talented!
Get it together Matt.