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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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The baby demolisher
We're peasants too!
I'm not like the other girls ;)
It's just an exciting new experience
When your business partner tells you to meet him near the billboard
*hitler did nothing wrong intensifies)
when you correct a grammar nazi's grammar
Who wouldn't
pretty accurate
Pretty sure this isn't a repost
Hardcore plumbing
Step up
Stalking mutt
Memes. Not even once.
When will this riot end?
Not even light could escape his blackness
So points are supposed to be worth something eh?
Mulan takes it like a man
I still miss when the titles where on the right
Mine less
Too young
Vape Nation
Learning it in the younger ages
All aboard the irony train!
Or 1000 US Marines vs. 1 stick. You break stick, you think you win. But now there are 2 sticks
The Slavic Files: I Want to Squat
Find the words
Only reason to vote hillary
Gotta admire his creativity
Too far
When your dank meming skills aren't good enough for the front page
Obviously not
#only 90's kids remember
He's excited!!!
When a lurker gets 5 points
A communist party
MFW I see that ppl getting 100+ upvotes again
No mistakes, just one big accident
Walks into the club like "Yo I'll give ya free college"
Mad Marx
You can't stump the trump
Not enough calsium
Manlet gets Roasted
Somebody had to post this
This isn't your average everyday parking... this is ADVANCED parking
Please don't tell
Where'd the muslims go?
Just bough the new DS3
Damn dirty cops!
What else is there
AA can't stop GOD
Be more creative sucker
My imaginary friend is cooler than yours
Bald move
Respect the Milo
As a Lurker MFW I saw HL's new karma system
1v1 me u cheeky kunt
"I've got no favorite son"
My favorite alkaline Earth metal.
Come one come all!
thats not funny
*cries in math*
Hardware that gets you hard
Well im a pro-lifer so I think the fetus has the right to commit suicide at any age.
Asians teach you how to do math
Pepe is love. Pepe is dank
Anal Fiesta
Updooting for dummies
Nature is awesome
Chrome irl
how to start a good essay
[doot doot]
Autocorrekt: Hiding the true emotions
InB4 this gets downvoted to hell
Really confused about the Dootness
damn country thieves
*cue typical sitcom intro music*
Downvoting bots like
When Mr Skeletal drop his mix tape
Deciding whether or not to stay a true lurker
A list of good Adam Sandler movies
I think we need equality
Steam is a dark place
Doot will prevail!
updoot for spooky vacation, ignore for 15 minutes of bad luck
It was just a pank bro
Islam is a religion of peace
Not as easy as my childhood
What happened?
Anon and the tards.
Infinite wisdom passed down from Jedi to Jedi
Childhood trauma
Spoiler alert!