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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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When the level of corruption is just right
Bots tryin to act like users be like
Me as frick
Oh look, a penny.
let's not jump to conclusions. aaand he's black.
Just wait for #4
It's the same with the Chinese not warning us about 9/11
I knew it all along
HL community be like
If you are broke this will change your life.
What tumblr does to you
I'd rather puma pants
William Wallace didn't die for this.
Let me play on the smallest pe.. violin.
Generation gap hitting hard
Where were going we don't need roads
Japanese art we can all appreciate
coincidence? probably..
When you are born for your Job
You wouldn't download a file...
How the Chinese commute to work
russian tank
Toilet Paper Machine 2.0 - Test #1
f* the police
Rare photo of the UK leaving the EU
Well here we go again...
*Walks in* Barber: Say no more fam!
grocerie shopping
High vs drunk
Yeah ahhh.. You can shut up now!
Best advice
patience is a virtude only found in hunting
That Face
I finally found a picture that describes my networking attempts at work
Uhh... no thanks
Wanna feel old? - This is the cast of 'Scrubs' now
Let the power of cheeki breeki compell you
Truth in app games
Doesn't get much more American than this
I swear the cops are on to me George!
Goodbye Graham brotta
"Biggest leak in history"
Another day in paradise
My anaconda dont....
Why reviews are useless
I'd hit that
More rape!
Would you eat your kids?
Trust, but Verify
As a white male, can someone translate this?
"I know my car"
i eat only grass type pokemons
Dat trickle down hygiene
For when your a Christian and a Douche
Squeeze it ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) - MJ
Very welcoming
Always Trust Your Instinct
If I had a nidoran for every gender there was
That's so easy!
This is how you advertise
Finally reached this milestone!
Lets hotbox my car after class.
You're a grand wizard, Harry!
Me in my free time
the 90's were
Hitting that stereotype hot switch.
Wonderful Day In Slavland
5 x 0 is still 0.
Slav Party
Not even my face really shows it
When you're feeling bad, just read this
Stock Photo with Suicidal Punchline
Turn your head and cough
It was tough being a kid in the 90's.
French inferiority complex
Hes right you know
Bringing new members to the mile high club
Papa franku
Is your refrigerator running?
Life long friendship
What an absolute slayer
OP's mom
Same goes for me
Niantic weight logics
HL favourite fish
Ventriloquist puppet (not every post needs a title, dammit!)
Adamantium in love
Oh Nasa!
memes gone fishy
Moment of intensity