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Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me.
I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed.
10-Year Club

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Learn programming with Python
This almost gave me a heart attack.
Not just lost, but...
Fate worse than death
What a time to be alive
So hungry
This Caterpillar has Penguins on its back.....
My mantra
Deaths are coming
This high tech plate tells you when you need to eat
Star Wars: 50 Shades of Green (oc)
Thanks Pornhub!
Ordered a thousand of these, and got them today. Tomorrow, I ride. No produce section or hardware store is safe.
Gas stations are strange...
A comic I dedicated to my physicist father
Gopniki 4 life
This can't be accurate.
When Dad Is Giving Baby A Bath
"World Star"
My hairless guinea pig totally looks like an eggplant
When she swallows.
Otter chaos
...but grammar are not
With Gadget's 2nd birthday fast approaching, I figured it would be as good a time as any.
Dad's expression's are priceless.
Ordered a prop fish for my daughter's play, was greeted with this message in my work email this morning.
I would have put a few points on walking...
how to win any argument against globalists
Red Hot Dog
I think I'm witnessing a drug deal. I mean who the hell carries their pizza like that?
Dr. Stranger Things
Don't judge me steam
Von Trapp Music
Day 3: they suspect nothing
When you ask a PC Hardware Company to send nudes...
***ing Graceful as hell
Time to get back in shape. This will be the greatest cumback ever.
When they censor you
Time to rethink your brand name.
I so want this to be real
This hits home way too hard
This hilarious "lost dog" poster I found a couple years ago.
S..sure ma
My brother said his girlfriend is coming over. Placing these items on his bed should make up for the beatings I took as a kid.
Allergy Warning - Office May Contain Nuts
Poor Leslie.
Han Ronaldo
Definitely not the sharpest tool in the shed.
Succ it feminazis!
Before you marry a person…
Atlanta commuters this morning
Could be an interesting Marketing Strat
Fake news
amirite guys
On point.
Puppy guilt trip
A helpful tip for tomorrow
This Is Bullet-Proof GLASS!
But I don't like sand
Chance the Raptor
This school system is horrible
Doggo on the web
when your mexican meme get stolen by the murican
Level 1 charisma
Bedtime as a kid
Atlanta already replaced the damage on I-85. It's a little aggressive.
Riveting stuff
>implying I have sex
I think our dogs daycare has a new pack leader
cat singing on drums set
like in 5 Seconds or kys
I wish I wouldn't have to make titles sometimes
What kind of disability is this? You had one job!
Hey church, that's kinda none of your beeswax.
He made sure to count all of his fries...
Somebody handed me a small case and whispered "just in case"
Such a pity that every girl I like is either in a relationship or has a good taste
Because humans are pathetic :)
Happy Meetings Day
Obi wan doesn't vaccinate also
Uncle Ben, nooooo!
One man's ceiling is another man's floor
Meanwhile in Australia, the situation grows dire.
Pretty close
Roblox Roleplay gone sexual
This classic Gary Larson Far Side comic
Anon playing 4D chess
That's brilliant
Mia Khalifa's comment section
"The wizard will now install your software"
The elusive hipster gargoyle, spotted in the wild
Screw poor people, right?
I had to read this to a toddler