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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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I never should have let him into the bathroom.
Tropical Thunder
My dog, welcoming me home after work. Haha
toadal pleasure
This is parenthood.
Actually me, all the time.
This celery meme is from the future oh shit waddup
who the fuk is ryan lewis
Kill marry fυck
Science Rules!
Video game libraries over the years
Butt Puckers
Evolution: Cera to Samberg
Looks like a challenge
<burps orgasmically>
Shampoo ad in Malaysia
Kim Kardashian parking only
Mr. Big D
Apparently I'm the only one that didn't get the email.
Yea, the title ain't happening
Instant way to be sure I will never come back.
If only this happened in real life
Three words... Eight letters...
Hello there
No baka fornicate only with trapa
Amy Schumer
Sometimes people look exactly how you'd expect them to look
there are only sad days
Well played, local BBQ joint.
135th times a charm
A Local Cox Cable installer contractor ordered some shirts for his employees.. Owners main language is not english..i will laugh when his guys come pick them up tomorrow...
My nose!
So inconsistent
RIP in peace
Found this on Craigslist.
The future looks dreadful
Multi directional views
Real shit
Saw this gem before my final.
When your dad has had enough of your shit.
That wasn't thought out very well...
The meal you discreetly try to throw away without offending anyone
Found this guy outside my apartment.
So sad
Heaven vs. Hell in Munich
When you have your priorities straight:
***, you better not give my house away for free.
A casual search for an airplane pillow
Why I hate public bathrooms
Warm weather
nature is beautiful
Bend your hips and knees. Lift. Sacrifice child.
fixed it
the world shall soon take on a new shape
This quote somehow made it into our yearbook
Lil Wayne with subtitles on
Mfw jesus
My kids learn fast
Just found this actor in IMDB
I got you dog.
HL in a nutshell
In my work building café today.
How to pick out suits.
Martini dog is not amused
Keeping the pizza safe from your dogs.
Scroll down, this is not your business
Exams are rough man
I've been waiting far too long for this
Normies can't relate
Just in time for Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 2
Shamelessly stolen
Still the best opener
Meanwhile in New Zealand....
Why do people even live there?
When you realize crusades didn't work
Also 100% OC
The unspeakable truth
I think I'm gunna recommend this book to your Dad...
Don't let go!
Sandwich Alignment Chart
My favorite dessert recipe
The Olsen twins attended the Met Gala last night, cosplaying as the last 2 gelfling from The Dark Crystal.
Meinkraft meme
Beaten by a little girl
That's not how stores work
Please and thank you..
The perfect cure
*mature content
Anime be like