My friend works for a lawn care company. She sent me this "reason why the technician would not complete the appointment"

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My kind of medicine...
craking open a cold war
What a time to be alive
When you run out of names for your cities
Laundry symbols are stupid
Ben and Jerry's just doesn't care..
Nobody Checks This Stuff
Kitty is a savage
Its flat, ***
When the internet is down for more than 2 minutes
My wife's new hand towel
Replacing 'out of order' sign at the work vending machine
old but... it should make it to the rising page...
when you can't decide if you want to tank or heal
Saitama found a worthy opponent
I'm shy around my waifu pillow
Classic Jim prank
Will the Real Slim Shady please stand up...?
The sense of accomplishment is satisfying beyond words
Thank you Marilyn
Orcs don't attack only Gondor
Identifying Bees
Always look on the bright side.
Countryside Problems...
Ladies and gentleman star lord the legendary outlaw
I bet they don't even use lube
When your anomaly can't be described with normal words
Those damn Elves!
How To Lose An Argument
//printf("fu©k all of you");
Highly recommend this book
Someones been naughty...
Hagrid knows science
Phoebe from FRIENDS
The fuzzy face of betrayal...
My friend just got this. She's freaking out but she really does suck at parking
My brother glitched the matrix while grocery shopping
I'm going on an adventure!
when math goes to far.
Unfortunate sign placement
Mathmatical proof
Majestic hawk after a bath
One of my students just gave me this awesome end-of-the-year gift:
Superman isn't ***ing around.
Oh Bear
When your mom cuts your hair and tells you how good it looks..
They're not the best donuts but
Not quite how I imagined it
Ricky did.
Onward! You glorious ***!
Naenia business!
Verne Toyer's Wikipedia page lists him as being 27 donuts tall
You know Top Secret is one of your favorites!
I will forever cherish it
Hold it Tiger...
Best fortune I've ever seen.
How do you see it?
There's been a dead roach in our server room for weeks, so I added a few plastic ones and set them up for a little poker. Let's see how long they play.
2 kind of people
Americas biggest fear!!
The Ass Family
Shitposts Daily
Thanks caller id!
Anal Girl
When you tell your parents you wanna be Batman when you grow up but then you realise what must be done
This looks like a soft spot to land
What a performance!
60% of the time it works all the time
How to make VR.
"Let's use friendly masks to comfort kids"
Every Filler Episode Ever.
This was taken in my car. My dad's phone is linked up to the car. Fml.
Seen in London today:D
Ohhhh REEEAAAAAAlllyyyyyy
Every time I watch LOTR I think of this
Searched Prime Now for fidget spinners... Amazon put me straight back in my place
"I won't ask you again"
what about it
For when you just don't give a duck anymore ...
When Eminem gave advice to kids on the David Letterman show.
Killing it
My friend sent me this while at the DMV. This guy got fed up with waiting so he ordered a pizza.
I'm nothing without my coffee
A local artist hand paints boat names, he does it for free if you let him name the boat. Here is one of his freebies.
Wedding photo goals
They should have seen this coming
I hope he dies from climate change tho
Who knew toilets could be so specific?
Double standards....
This cafe near me has slightly odd business hours
MFW someone says traps arent gay
For Whiterun!
Are you beach body ready?