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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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Six Perries
When your life is shattered but you're keeping a positive attitude
Found this at the flea market, best $2 ever spent
A-Class dad figure
Don't mess with granny
How I'm trying to be
Found this gem in the shop
This sign in the toilets at Kuala Lumpur airport
Unprepared he was
It's a natural defense mechanism
Newly discovered girafdog...
My mom has a way with her words..
Pulling out of Yosemite
Doggy the House Elf.
A newspaper accidentally switched the captions of these comics.
I think my friend broke the matrix.
Newborn horse learning how to eat.
You good dawg?
Sleep not found
When someone tells you there is plenty of fish in the sea but this is your experience
My new favourite face swap
Damn right
Her : So what do you like to do for fun? Me : I read ant bait reviews
Anon is a cyber lesbian
Wolverine Illusion
We've all been there Wednesday
Cute skin mask
/ck/ (cooking) starts a business
Shitposts Daily
There is no need for bows because all orcs are peaceful.
I have nothing to put in title since the caption is already in the post
I present to you the best film simile of all time
The woman looks like Jackie Chan tho
World's best gaming mouse
This got me weak.
isis new tricks
The midget giraffe
My mouse wasn't working at work, turned it over to investigate and got this sweet message :')
Sauron is our greatest ally.
inside and outside
I'm playing Minecraft
"Social Media platforms"
Master Chef
Wizard "Nose"
Windows being Windows
Uh...I'll pass.
Very tasty pizz.... oh ***
When the trap doesn't work
Spring is here!
Make your own way
D'oh it
finakly aknowledged
Squint more to see freedom
Finally, someone we can trust to protect us.
The obvious choice
When someone serves salad
Handy flowchart for if you should eat gluten or not
This sign at a local church is... special
Meanwhile in Colorado...
Hydroelectric Power
Found at the local Holden dealer - they're a bit competitive.
Board of peace :^)
I expected nothing and I'm still disappointed.
Microwave Popcorn
They are good icebergs Brent
My greatest fear
Oh shit
Help a brother out Jesus!
Living the meme
Pupular mayor elected fur the third time
She don't have a good filling
Im playing minecraft!
Man casually mowing the lawn with a tornado behind him. Says he was "keeping an eye on it."
Almost captured a great father daughter picture...
Ill advised but hilarious warning sign on the hand sanitizer dispenser at work.
Stranger danger
A Redshirt and a Stormtrooper get into a fight...
Found parked on my street. I'm still thinking about it.
My mom is the best decorator
It's fine. Daddy will do your hair...
What goes through my head every time I see this ominous thumbnail on the front page
This bathroom is for men and... trees?
My son is quite proud of this snake pun he put in this greeting card.
Trail of the Hell Beasts
Tony being smooth
Meanwhile, in some dude's yard...
The shit my boyfriend does when I'm not home ...
Well this will be fun in a fire
Might not be so bad to try next.
Epic battles in movies....
Should I be concerned about the sushi place that just opened up next to the closed tropical fish store?