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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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Jack Blacks spirit animal.
Wich flavour is your favorite?
Amazing work of art.
Saw Norman Reedus at Publix, he was holding an avocado. Instead, we photoshopped one of our friends.
Rare pokemon
I love nature
Mom thought she was tasked with making the "O" in "Love."
2B or not 2B
German Shepherds
With all the 'sorry' jokes about Canada, remember this guy is Canadian too.
Nobody EVER understands me, I'm leaving.
From a hotel guest book
Not sure if its a repost
It reminds me of when Sonic hits spikes.
Never meet your heroes
Baby's first firework
Sorry Canadians.....
Toki Wo Tomare
What is Fax
"You know what that makes you?"
Made this for our 4th of July party this year!
Happy Canada day!!!!!
Wife Hack
Local company received this resume... I bet they hired him on the spot
you can't put memes on the chalkboard
Worst. Birthday. Ever.
Why I don't eat lobster
What do You think Janet ?
CVS is catching on
A bunny witnessing an attempted murder
Keep it real, banana pepper guy
Pick your gender filthy goy
After years of acting classes, listening to mentors, and dedicating himself to his craft, David finally got credited in a tv role
A reminder about firework videos...
A great story
Only a matter of time...
"I'm a Christian, a conservative and a Republican, in that order"
At least someone is happy to see me
Hungry at the zoo be like
Computer humor
The Ultimate What Are Thoooose.
Your mom is one of the cool ones!
A Salt Rifle.
Meaningful tattoos
Lecture Circuit
Ron Perlman
Sassy Hawk is not taking your bs anymore.
Stupid real life!
My daughter was crying because she didn't behave well enough to do fireworks tonight and she buried her face in this pillow. This is how it looked when she lifted her head.
Woo! Definitely going to that bar-oh wait...
Demonstration for co-workers
When I try to bake
Our parents like to dress up to welcome people sister just got back from a trip to Morocco.
My niece got to go to Menards for her third birthday....she loves Menards.
Got protection?
How to avoid sunburns
Jet Fuel
Born and raised with love
Poor Placement
These Glastonbury flags are hilarious
The future is now
It's too easy making these of you James
gurl whoot!
The future is always now
Death is a mercy, and I have enough mercy to go around.
On point
an old one
Am I over the line??
it's all downhill from here
Stefan is the only god I know
in reference to my last post.
Almost got kicked out of the National Museum of the Philippines for this pic.
So motivating
better g@y than 9g@ger
We all need some Jezus
Carrie Fisher asked about Finn and Poe
I see your Cinnamon roll cat and raise you dick dog
Only the finest of Artesian spring waters.
Your moms Maxi Pads are in stock at Sams
There is no Wendy, only Zuul.
I just saw Denzel Washington in Times Square! I told him that he was fantastic in Snakes On A Plane! He refused to take a picture with me and called me a racist motherf**ker. Haha classic Denzel.
What Mosquitos Learn At School
My boss told me she left something special on my desk, and that it would be the "highlight of my day"
you wouldn't steal a meme
Number 1
Some birds sent a strong message to a coworker
We can
20 Years Difference
My friend is doing work in somones house. Their cat is following him and creeping him out.
yOu wOuLdn'T StEAl a mEmE
She's making the ultimate sacrifice
When your pens start talking to you
Caaaaaaaaaaan do