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HL Discord: - OC Only - gigalol:-752598949
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My husband's late night contribution to the questionable label on my wine.
10/10... no splash
It swung the tide of the war.
Can't post more then this cuz of my limit
Can't hit a blow on this window
The gravy should be ready.....
This sign at a fried chicken restaurant
Because why not
too bad I got a limit again
They'll get 10/10
Yo Chappelle, OJ saw your netflix special. He wanna talk to you.
The name's Bond. James Bond. And you are...?
Damn, I went to the wrong one...
Amazon glitter review from the worst roommate ever
Surprise mf!
Can not believe it
Git out!
drop it
Retail Purge
Microsoft's Special Technique
Amazing Transformation - At least lost something
IT help desk "punisher"
Can someone tell me what kind of hummingbird this is?
boi, can't wait for the admins to publish the release date
like a phoenix from the ashes
Its oc
The vegan hunter
When I ask my black-asian friend if they want take out
Just pick any day
Thank you, Bill from Chicago
hacker man
Probably regrets these quotes
Sounds like I win win to me
I asked for an Apple Watch for my birthday. This is what I got.
HL in one year.
Moneymay = The G.O.A.T.
Stressed spelled backwards...
Pumped up
Banned again
its scary
4 thousand years later and we're back to speaking in the same language.
How to lose 10 pounds FAST using this one weird trick!
Now I know the first thing I'm gonna do if I ever visit Italy.
So big
Sorting my dad's funeral and spotted a familiar face!
those bans are scary
How to get around copyright law
She thought he's gonna propose her
Angry seal slap noises
damn leave some pussy for the rest of us
Show some love
Haha totally not me
Yeah I cant help that fake giggle!
Poor robbie
The profanities that would leave my mouth!
You Will Never Guess What This Ad Addresses
I can code in multiple languages, but i don't understand washing machines, so my girlfriend made it easier
Sassy Rowling
The best way to exlpain coding.
Come on now follow my lead!
who hasnt?
This sign at a pizza restaurant.
Roses are red, I really hate bugs,
A land of impure imagination
If video games have taught me anything, this guy is selling rare items that I'll need later in my quest
They thought it was camera
These weebs
If Voldemort had gone into Programming instead
Was at the Louvre yesterday and just HAD to find Ducreux
Came home to this note from my disgruntled wife
I have this problem too
Still too edgy?
My daughter put her “baby” in her car seat, and I almost had a heart attack when I looked in the back seat after work.
Church Gone Wild
My chickens are gangster. yo.
Work until your bank account looks like a phone number
Trump cucked by the cuck
morning fellas
Broken English is still English
Now that's what I call effective advertising.
Raven sums up my thoughts on vegetarian food.
How to reload a gun
de zucc
Blackadder Goes Forth I spy
Terrible service
My friend really wants this cup...
It's a sad day.
If you think you are lazy - try beating THIS!
Looks like we have a customer.
I saw a double rainbow the other day
Now I'm scared