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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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Old friend
People in the horror movies are like.............
no Optimus for Trumps Military
Put it back in!
When you are the last person picked...
My immature great-grandpa and my disapproving great-grandma
smooth like my pick up lines
Never related to something so much in my life!
This Egyptian clothing store is very fashy...
What Is This Cat Doing?
The Maui
Dog runs away from home to go swimming. He regrets nothing.
What happens when you book your wedding in the same venue as a fetish convention
Now that's science!
Spent the afternoon installing these. My wife, ladies and gentlemen.
&& that's why you hear me scratching, digging, & slinging my litter rocks all over your floor for 15 mins after pooping
Saw this on the freeway and loled.
I've waited 4 years for this
This kid's minimalistic Lego creation.
Dat advertising
Eye of the tiger.
There’s always that one friend....
My husband and I will randomly send this picture of our dog to cheer each other up. It has never failed.
Found the book my wife must've studied
Speech 1
I googled "Cheese Fish" and was not disappointed.
There's a 99% chance this place is infested with vampires
The best hot sauce name I've ever seen.
Sheetz is slut shaming me
Whitebones defeating windows while windows was banned
I know you...
Hidden messages...
Tinder Genders
On The Caninth Day
Such a good Simpsons moment
I left my hardcore biker friend some hash last weekend. He hasn't gotten high since the 60s. Here's the pic he sent me
Speech Therapy
In 90 days, I marry my best friend. This is my favourite picture of us.
The new Special forces unit
Before Snapchat, Instagram and runways: This is where you showed off your shoes/outfit! Never forget where you came from.
Escape Plan
No judgment here
You never know where a quest will come from.
I don't mean to brag, but my MacBook supports windows
Connection established
The secret to pleasing a man.
Kansas City fire department saves Kansas City police department from elevator.
This sounded really nice until I read the italics
Wisconsin ice cream truck tells it as it is
My cousin left home today, my auntie is sadistic
Hey commie, how can you eat your puddin when you ain't got any meat?
The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled...
Your waifu is trash
The spell of 12 virgins
kaching kaching
incrediable india
Thinly veiled irony
 ̄ ̄ ̄
When the group of old women stare at you for a bit too long
 ̄ ̄ ̄
Me as a mug
People like it, eh?
I'm actually impressed
Screw your well done crap.
Sorry not sorry
Today I'm Feeling...
The Perfect Poster
Anyone know?
This is what she does in the shallow, she stands there...Lol
Bill Cosby Halloween costume
Now I know my A-B-C
Good Guy Ploice Man
Do you like surreal comics? Pbfcomics are hilarious!
Moshi Moshi
Arial view
Who is Robert and why does he have his own soda size at my local Wendy's?
My French mom got me these boxers because she said she knows I love camping.
is spreading this meme bullying?
An impressive dong.
Uhh, I'll have to pass...
The perfect plate
iPhone 8
True to my house.
suffocation! no breathing!
Dodging the draft
Spotted at a local bar
An extremely judgemental, angry car.
s p i c y
45lbs gone. I'm so proud!