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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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And he will punish us
Feminism & Knuckles
Also music
Beach day
Oh. "Ginger".
Anon gets a cougar
The meme economy grows ever stronger
The miracle of modern science and technology
Wake up
Community, Depression, Relatability, what more could you want in a meme
taking care of all your medical needs
I work in a lab. Whenever my friend process a sample with a name with "***", "dick" or anything slightly dirty he writes it in his "***book".
Totally didn't recognize you....
Somewhere something went wrong.
Traveling never felt so dirty.
Here we go again
Smells fishy.
Who would win, him or a frog ?
Meth Lab
"This is me"
My dogs are way more photogenic than I am
"Can you take a picture of us"
Had my leg amputated and my brother shows up to the hospital dressed as a pirate
Finally, this exists
Got confused, played CoD in a dress
the bottom
4' 11"
My Immediate Response To People I Encounter Daily
Cargo Trailer Robbery in Broad daylight
He is also listening to his least favorite music
A Sigh Of Relief
Ready for today's meeting
Wow. Mind blown.
Building your own powered model aircraft
Tiny door found in a children's hospital.
Had my leg amputated last week. I had to do it
Seems much more accurate
parents dont know shit about the d
My dads first deployment to Iraq we sent him a Shrek themed birthday party. This is what he sent back
>tfw no gf
I searched "Bleached ***" on youtube. This is the first result
Florida, home of the giant rat
The Law Of Cats
Photos of divers doing flips mid-dive and edited onto a toilet is the best thing I've seen all week
This dog looks like William H. Macy
My three year old saw this and exclaimed "Look! Someone drew green scissors on the road!"
My whole life has been a lie
ah yeeee
Feminist logic
Wife accidentally used my beard-trimmings towel to dry her face
Not telling nefer again
this came into the clinic today. 23lbs.
Rook at me
It's a shit job, but somebody's gotta do it!
Tran ban
Old and stolen: comics edition
Legos are sexist
When European sees uncolonized land
Big, black, and you can sit on it.
Hans is always prepared
Reminds me of Requiem for a Dream
Served with a side of Grandpa's famous fromunda cheese
Went to lunch today and this was in the doorway.
What the hell is going on here...
Release date august the 6th
Collar tag WIN
The bravest man in the airport
Introducing the new Nintendo Swiss.
They had so little time to react. RIP.
Mr. Crab's first dollar
Just aCoincidence? I think not!
My friend recently acquired a "gently used" office desk
Got cut off today, wasn't even mad.
Didn't see you there
I heard you hate communists
My online physics homework knows me too well
It's getting real now...
My friends kid looks like Garth.
Damn mexicans
Someone at work has her kids coming in to visit. She drew this so I would know what they look like when they got here...
Found your mom's ethernet port
Why is this a stock photo?
Ha Yee
Cage me again mother***er
ESRB Video Game rating system
There are no original ideas anymore.
Little League in a nutshell
Internal message
This hangs in the paint department of my local hardware
Every high school seating chart
The view is pretty nice from here.
So sad
So I found this at my parents house last night?
I'm the guy from your math books who has a ton of pizzas in their car