This was left on the windshield of a car that is consistently double parked everyday in the parking lot of the complex my office is in.

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No witness
When you can't use the bathroom without being bothered by your wife or your son.
ha ha yes
Spotted outside Google's Venice Beach offices
what a coincidence
Working in IT, I can relate
Honk if a kid falls out
i've been so blind
Woke up this morning to my baby turtle asleep like this.
Meanwhile in Booneville, Mississippi...
This house.
In Canada, we have a show called Cityline, which is mostly attended by middle-aged women. My girlfriend at the time made me go
Human brain
This Kindergartner's assignment on Triangles
These puns are un bee-leiveable
I pay, therefore I exist
My mum tried to tell me Birds weren't animals this is what the internet said
I make custom teapots. This one sold 5 minutes after it was done. :)
Alright, sorry.
Watches for sale.
Super power by 2020
Does your dog bite? Worse, he judges you
Press conference.
I had to do a double take when scrolling through local Triathlon photos.
fish wish
Who's church is it?
You know it girl
The first review of Seinfeld signed by the cast and crew.
Picking Colin Mochrie up from the airport.
Hello there beautiful
New social media craze?
Candy Apple Island
When panorama mode literally turns your mom into an ***
The time has come
That's not a tomato...
My girlfriends dog got bit by a copperhead. Send his goofy swollen face your well wishes!
My wife insists she'll find one he likes
1 million sq km flag
You can never be too safe...
Best tatoo cover up
This person on a kids playground
Found in a college text book
Extreme dabbing
I raise you the entire Earth is lava
This girl has had just about enough of her underwear being stolen.
Guess who admins?
The Joy of Summer Vacation
Never gets old
Babe, you look good enough to eat.
Shakespeare was really ahead of his time...
how I would like to spend my day
Never thought about that...
LOL, cannot stop laughing
Lets all have fun today!
Senior Tacos is the best
Well that's not a topping you see on most menus...
C'mon Kim, make it real!
"Crap! I Thought I Locked the Door!!!"
Haha not Like I have that kinda of hair
Final Boss
Bye baby
Another indian joke
Glorious Communist Surround Sound
Just what I need
The power of imagination
That's one way to sit in a box, I guess.
Pregnancy Test Errors
The local community college art show was 10/10
When you get a little money and start buying stupid shit.
Drop kick me Jesus...
this shirt is up to speed with current events
Caught the noodle thief
Couple gets an evident seal of approval
First thing I learned about having my own place
A book review by snoop
Dickon Dickoff
Go do the stuff.
If only birds were a bit bigger
Better blur out her fingers before you offend someone.
A more realistic map position
Nailed the title. A+
I see your road is lava and your Baltimore is lava, and raise you the ocean is lava
Academy award winner...
Saturday Night Special
I chew, I chew, I a million times chew.
"You sure that's the right word?"..."Yeah, like 80% sure."..."Print it."
Punny keyboard
Optional required.
"He's my best friend and he works hard all day. Couldn't you at least wag your tail?" by Tom Cheney
Eat crap die fast
"Can I have a piece of paper?".........
bobs or shitpost in your blog butiful
I saw this on Phil Plait's Facebook page today.
they cri