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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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A truly horrible time
Maybe not the best name for a shop.
a real picture of Bored1
fkin too relatable stop
Looks like someone's having a shitty day...
Anon is American
The joke just writes itself at this point
Closest Thing
I'm fluent in at least 3 of them.
well... shit
It all started when the Rock stole a piece of rock
bob and vangene
I got bets on VPN
sub to donald dank
NiBBa u gay ?
Definitely not.
Money & Gangsters
Drive Safely... or Graduate on Your Flipped Beetle.
Waxing prices and package names at local Salon
So hilarious, I couldn't resist to post it.
Anon is a murderer
This fanny pack...
Big dreams for big goals.
This lady brought in her laptop to get repaired today. The laptop was frozen on the lock screen. Absolute gold!
He was yelling 'incoming' when I turned around to see this.
I turn now
Oh Poods
Neil Patrick Harris and Benedict Cumberbatch are Beavis and Butthead
Italian warning labels got no chill.
This is the height of all titles.
Out of nowhere this notification came up on my smartwatch and I realised I have wasted my life.
How to make yourself a mug of tea
My parents are touring China and spotted this very thoughtful sign...
Leo DiCaprio and Johnny Depp celebrate National Cheeseburger Day
Dammit, Joshua!
Son, let's learn how our ancestors behave
It's kind of a risk reward situation
Something doesn't add up ...
Al Bundy !
wake up
Just some dude skateboarding with his shoulder cat
I'm a traditional guy. I'll do it my way.
unodrito naplemente
My kitten Apollo coming out of hiding during his first day home.
Bestiary 7 : The Sun
hello yes hi, I am borns now
This girl wins at life.
oh boi
Crazy times
Anon is a rapist
go green
My cat forgets to put her tongue away... A lot
Engineers and spellings...
When you're hungover but you still have to find the strength to murder children.
My dog looks like Shelley Duvall.
Floridians Shred Hurricane Aftermath
What happens when a man takes over the advice column
My daughter is fighting the man with dignity and grace... I've never been more proud.
You've heard of elf on the shelf, now comes...
The Architect had fun with this one
Today I watched the sun rise at the South Pole.
Puppy Push-Ups with my friend
I'm dead
"Looks like you hurt yourself pretty bad", I said to my Sister. "What?", she replied. "Those are some pretty large stitches on your knees, must have been painful"...
Why they always skip 9s?
A gentle reminder that you are disposable
This is my license plate. Thought some of you would like it.
This little guy is going to do great things for the world
The Bat Signal
They are though.
check mate
Nice Job!
The local newspaper is kinda famous for its headlines
Somebody cawll an exorcist.
Alexa Jones
I dont want this to be an illusion
Saw this guy in traffic the other day
Meanwhile, in The Matrix
Tinder date triangle
A genius disguise
A dog being posed by a German soldier during the World War II
come on out Kim Jong-un
At least we got memes
Strange Alliances in these dark days!
Fake news
There's always someone
Instructions on box were not clear
When you ran out of bird puns for the title.