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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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Finally, I can check my first patient
Needless to say we did not complete the move.
Someone waited a long time to write this headline.
Anthony Kiedis looks like the lovechild of Danny Trejo and Justin Long.
when the vitamin gummies kick in
Pennywise needs some freedom
Stolen meme, but accurate
My 11 year old has started drawing fat, middle aged Batman at the beach and it's everything you never knew you needed in life
Crane is angry!
Trust nobody, not even yourself.
My Panoramic didn't go to plan for this guy...
[Excel is a Mystery]
they really do mature with every new volume
No more disturbances!
Classic McGarnigal.
Is this a joke, Google?
Hunting for the sport
I will make my father proud.
Listening to lyrics vs reading lyrics
Trees need your help
muh triggering
My mother showed me this on her Facebook feed
You've gotta be shitting me
My math teacher asked me why my shirt said the square root of the answer
Nobody knows
sad reacts only
My little commie
Avada Cyka
The Finnster!
Renae is being a real ***.
No guts. No glory. No legend. No story.
Anon is a lawyer
House owner: I really like Hogwarts. Engineer: Say no more!
Our Flag is Sacred
Anon buys condoms
My stepson is a minimalist with the crayon, but the story he tells is very grand.
Lazy Genius
Not all Presidents cared if you took a knee
My dog "worked" at Lowes with me for a day
/tv/ is a child
Just give me one Episode
Doctor's advice
Not Pockets
the sky is the limit
Take a nap, anytime... anywhere!
I bet you are..
Pure evil..
Passive aggressive gas pump will give you your goddamn receipt.
Luck be in the air tonight
The wrong Harry
This was in my dentist's waiting room.
Designated crying area in my university's testing center
Make grass legal
i found a place wher trumps hair grow
tap tap boom
Please do not tap on the glass...
I picked my dog up from the groomers and my cat isn't too pleased I brought her back
Bad to the bone!
How to Unholy Abomination
I don't remember seeing this Ladybird book ...
It's not stupid if it works!
Random tweet
Girlfriend and I finally got the shot of our dreams
When you let your teenage daughter order the pizza.
Someone let an AI choose the colors and names for paints. Don't do that.
"Could I just try a little sample?"
My elderly resident couldn't remember where she put her tv remote, here's where I found it
We went swimming with the dolphins. My wife was terrified. I loved it. Here was her birthday present
These radiation vests for female astronauts are mildly-topographical.
No, you hang up.
Potty trained
Russian dove
What's that you're looking at?
A comment on an online pizza order
Dammit Schrodinger
They've been hiding out together this entire time?
Please don't confuse the two...
Is it sir?
The private bathroom stall at our local bar
Surprise attack
Prayers Answered
Took me a second
Anon messed up
haha yes
Waiting for my Physiotherapist and thus caught my attention
You get what you do
Black Translator
Was getting ready to pay for my groceries when I saw this...
smooth af
Not on my watch young boi
You are never safe
Nice to see you again, Freddie!
Rocking dat ass.