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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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Our lab puppy got into the food bag last night. $250 later, I️ have this keepsake of his gluttony. No organs - just kibble.
That moment you realize you're working with a dummy...
Employment Gap
New meme
good boi
old people be like...
The new way to ID
Bubbles for staff morale
I would watch the absolute *** out of this.
Backpack seller answers a question
Logo Evolution
oh bobbysan
I guess that's one option...
"So thaaaat's what my shoes smell like"
Truck Etiquette
Loli-vember is still here.
A Vicious Cycle
Calvin relates to me too much
Middle Class Syndrome
Sign my sister and I made for picking up our brother at the airport.
Welcome to the real world Harry
And no one’s been there for you
I guess they aren't a fan
If EA made avocados
I've actually done a lot today even if you don't think so.
MRW someone thinks admins give the slightest damn about riots
Whoever did are my favorite artist ever.
What did he do?
Things just got real.
A good game for a good cause
excellent ad placement
After they broke up she removed him out of the picture and photo-shopped a tree instead
Do you have trouble making decisions?
"Gee Brain, what are we going to do tonight?" "The same thing we do every night Pinky..."
I knooooowwwwwww....
When pigs fly
Photo bomb!
The cool Kardashian
That moment, when you hope desperately the guy ahead of you won't take the last pigeon.
Is Hot Fuzz your favorite movie?
Clearly needs a tax break. Look at the old ass car
Earth is not the only "flat thing". This tennis ball is also flat
Hugging dinosaurs.
I laid a concrete foundation for a shed today and left a surprise for any future homeowners who decide to tear it up.
This came up when I searched "excessive force" in the images category
$10 for an empty water bottle
He's gonna kick my butt
Seriously, Costco?
when you are becoming a dragon...
Definitely made me look twice, prolapsed anus or holiday bow?
When you join the riot but they just simply ban you too
Since my content is bad, let's take it even further.
RIP Windows2oo1
If Lay's made Avocados.
Icelandic eruption.
Crippurringu depressionu
The ‘Queen’
He could have sat anywhere in the entire house...
British culture according to a Japanese school book...
Better than the *** off pumpkin
Et tu, Viral?
I used to do some acting as a child. This was one of my pictures used for my profile..
Most guys will understand.
/spawn spookyboi 1
Home Defense
Mrs.Incredibly Thick
The perfect Christmas sweater.
peep is stored in the balls
Another celebrity scandal
When a show has a really predictable ending but somehow takes 8 seasons to reach that point
words of wisdom
The Empire Fries Back
A fox !?
Wife and I can't have kids traditionally. She sent me this this morning.
every ***ing week...
This new dark souls dlc looks amazing, are there fish?
My little brother raising a toast at his friends wedding!
Dat ass doe
Viral bot is cancer
Mind Blown . . .
It was only a matter of time!
Amazon Review for Ex-Lax
Because chemtrails...
Ditto you little
The Trouble With Relationships...
Easily the biggest lie of my childhood
Children’s section at the library. c.1990.