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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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The future of e-sports
This person's awesome solution to covering up a large dent on their car.
I’ll kill him
What type of vehicle do you drive?
The Art of Not Giving a F*ck About Others
My Six Year Old Son Pointed Out When You Hold A Clif Bar Upside Down It Looks Like “The Last Moment Of That Guy’s Life”
The age of femninism, is over! Traditionalism prevails!
I parked next to Harrison Ford today!
When you accidentally buy Winrar
Tattoo of your children?
So this technique is really being discovered
Thailand’s Mr. Bean
When you're the only one in school that saw the fight
How the dinosaurs became extinct
Awesome present for new parents
@ Friend in high school sent me this pic after he got done taking a shit and saw all these guys in the bathroom waiting to get a haircut by another kid.@@@
Uphill both ways
This made me laugh way harder then it should’ve
Yuri Gagarin during Cosmonaut training. Baikonur,1961 (colourised)
Watch your sound
Snowman for sale. Needs minor repairs or can be used for parts .. $35 or best offer.
There has to be an easier way.
So much rage
Greatest lighter ever
Oh Annie, are you okay
Pretty much how the interview went
You do you grandma
Meeting your date's dad before prom
What a god
This is the most American thing I've ever seen.
Won’t it absorb all the water in the pool?
This baby came out of the womb already mad at the driver in front of her
i dont even have it installed and it runs
Costco you have exceeded expectations again.
The crossword maker had other things on their mind
These yarn bowls
Beep Boop
So it was because of the colors.
Found this little joke quietly waiting in a local shop.
When you’re moving and you take down your TV only to realize you paid the community “handy man” $40.00 for something you could’ve done better yourself...
why the hell is there a chicken in my school
Warning sign at local Red Robin
Magic is real.
Misleading title, the book was boring
If there’s a fire, we’re fighting.
It hurts cause its true.
A New Take
I got pretty far in cat stack last night
"Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should."
Running skype on startup
Car drove this through brick fence, neighbor put this out
They aren’t great, but....
the real MVP's
Shoulda went with the PPO..... credit M.Nixon
The attack waitress is back
damn hits close
When the stairs are broken
My wife's sister is coming to visit. Getting the guest room ready.
At least theres death
Reading reviews to find a restaurant for tonight. Definitely going to support this owner. There's plenty more gems too...
Alt-Right Traps are so simple.
Another use for post-it notes. >.<
Someone in my building put this in the "free" pile and pointed it right at my door, causing me to shit a brick.
If I were a mechanic, this would be me...
Emphasis on Iago
And now for my secret technic - BEGONE THOT - someone add music
"Look, tiny hooman, like dis.."
Either way it’s still an important part of growing up...
We peak at as a society
Im happy they used Papa Franku / RIP /
Doing a little dance, like humans do. A very humanly dance. He's such a homo sapiens, our Mark.
Writer's Block
Tide Pods Shot
Transparency ™
I've waited my entire life to see someone actually try this
If i tell you, i have to take to a dinner
You can always depend on family
so much nostalgia
There must be a great reason this sign showed up in my workplace bathroom.
Whenever it shows in Texas
It’s happening again
How to use a shower gel
Minute Maid going for the liquid detergent approach
This ladies Pope sticker on her car
the feels