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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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When your girlfriend asks how good was the game...
Bring back the rhodies
Fan fiction?
This exists at the airport.
hell yeah
It’s science fair season.
A stalemate date
People are acting like Black Panther and Blade are the first black super heroes and I'm standing here like
Thanks Debra
Poor *** doesn’t even realise he’s being hunted by the T-1000
its-a me
A puppy then, a horse now
Saw this billboard coming home from work...
Waiting to do my staff evaluation at work
Todays moon eclipse looks like a giant Pokeball!
fast as hell I tell ya h'wat
How many times...
Unintentionally roasting themselves
my brother found a mysterious old poem in our garden
Grimaldi’s menu layout on mobile makes it look like these are single toppings.
Guns and Roses have sure toned it down..
See the guy in the background ? Thats the guy I wanna be
Rival Biker Gangs
Bazooka Roulette
“I’m delivering your pizza where?”
it was a dream
I left my dad alone in the Samsung store for 5 minutes..
Violent sex offender
Jesus had style
I had an idea for my headstone. Here is a rough sketch.
Samuel L Jackson confirms.
It was a slow day at work
The end is nigh...
It’s something..
Shots fired
Best Alarm Ever
Ever take your train off any sweet jumps?
box is better than move
finally, dispute over
does this hat truly qualify as cool?
My niece got a candle making kit. Here is her first “candle.”
the madman
This comment for ultra thin Trojan condoms on Amazon
IKEA founder passed away
Well shit rose
U will be missed
Probably not the message you want to send to your Valentine
It sort of Bugs me.
He hated Mondays
When "DrDank" posts the least dank posts using dead meme formats
Made me rofl
get the f*ck outta here with that weak ass sh*t
the self defense of sheep
clear your mind
quick karma
Tough choices tonight on TV
trumper strikes again
well done!
Your username is your real name. I hope you chose wisely.
I came home to a package I didn't order - I opened it up to find this and have no idea who to thank.
When got all right answers
I'd also kill myself
Searched for yoga poses. Was not dissappointed.
Trying to fit in
Friend works at Mr.Lube and sent me this
Someone just told me about this and now I can’t unsee it.
an ordinary table
At age 12 my girlfriend had to write a letter to herself for school and keep it sealed 20 years. She turned 32 today. She fooled her teacher then... and herself now.
White privilege
Might be my only talent.
Looks like your mom's new dildo finally shipped
Some memes are like herpes; you never really get rid of them
So a local business put this sign up for Valentines Day...
points gun
Buying those googly eyes was the best idea in a while. he looks so happy.
plot twist
Mining Bitcoin
Just two ladies doing typical Mom stuff
Isn’t this how Hitler started?
Planet Fitness wouldn't let me cancel over the phone, and required a certified letter to cancel since I live in a different state now. I dropped this in the mail today.
Perception vs Reality.
The path to independence
Liquid Zoo
*internalized opression*
***ing Kill yourself
This ad for the New Dodge Demon is simply the letter from the NHRA telling them it’s too fast to be allowed.