Friend had to get all of her toes removed. She commemorated the surgery with this tattoo.

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Good look for shoping
Shouldn't have tried to keep him away
That one teacher...
Appropriate tweeting
Our local Chick-fil-A and Moe’s BBQ had a little argument through their signs
Why isn’t Google working?
Technically not true, but still funny.
I think it's better now
Hate when It happens
A wild teenager appears
Lies! All lies!!!
I'm somewhat of a big deal
A ‘loyal’ wife
Calculus level 272037
OSHA will like to have a talk with you.
Ha! I Sure Fooled Him.
First selfie in a wheelchair!
Dietary choices
Member of staff gets stuck upstairs with only an iServe to hand...
How to handle the silent treatment
One legged costumes.
I bought my hamster a bed
What a strange abs.
How to get a 100 on your book report
Best. Poster. Ever.
I believe
One unique carrot
Nudes or nukes
Savage Mom
When you're trying to stay healthy but your demons still haunt you
How does the man on the moon cut his hair? Eclipse it!
Dan doesn't know how to drink like a russian.
Watering can was acting a bit funny today. Here’s the reason
Faster, Papa!
Slippin into darkness
Ain't that nice!
"Not both though"
This suddenly makes sense
The solution
No thanks, I don't think I'm in the mood for that right now..
I did nazi this coming
See you later you peasants.
Advertising in a nutshell...
nice catch
I sure love time travel
Still doing this as a 32 year old
Just a cat with beard.
Meanwhile, at Buzzfeed HQ...
Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you, Elon Musk! One of the smartest men alive!
It’s that time of the week again.
Darwinism refuted
can you see them?
I'm certain this bin is drunk.
TIL Patrick Stewart tested a wig for Captain Picard. It is beautiful.
Stop screaming
See me after class
how to behave in public 101
Green Goblin posting
Just tell me how many paper towels I’m getting, Bounty.
left or right?
Look what I got in cards against humanity today
When They Say : You're Too Young To Be Tired!
For Phil. Send that guy some love.
I told Jen it would one day come in handy.
Whose line was the best!
Don't even have to buy the game book.
That's a very good point, local Mexican restaurant
Girlfriend's eye doctor hit her with a good ol' dad joke today.
Groundhog Day. Such proud.
Pen cap charicatures
Musk can‘t ship “Flamethrower“
“Was that you?”
Basketballs are also flat
That’s why I don’t eat lobster as well
Don't give up, there's always another way!
Successful summoning
How to spot a dragon using an illusion spell.
Just doing the job right
Dear Animal Crackers, my 1 y/o isn’t ready for this:
Thanks Google? I guess you're not wrong...
The existence of this Pepe g has been FOREtold eons ago
This truck I passed in Idaho.
Ha! I’m a genius
....and other excuses
Bless her bobs and vegene
Be mein valentine.
Kiss of Poseidon
When you finally have something to talk about
Groundhog Day flowers for my wife
In honor of Black History Month.
it happens
Baiting deer is illegal!
Great photo of this week's lunar eclipse.