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needs more jpeg
Deep down you know you owe me
Say it real fast
Quality over quantity
My husband finished off the snowman for me
Honest signage
Should have covered his mouth
My friend is on vacation, and while out at a restaurant, a guy points out he's wearing the same shirt as his girlfriend.
My girlfriend wanted a drink but didn't want to get out of bed, so I obliged.
What is it Scooby?!
Straight outta china
You have become the very thing you swore to destroy
Patiently Waiting
Black Pride!
Heart Breaking :'(
Let's settle down guys
I could fill a hot air balloon with Lays air™ smh
Canadian wars in a nutshell
When you see a bridge
I organized my medicine cabinet today. Help me:
Shingles are painful. My Mom sent me a care package from San Francisco.
Sad day on Sesame Street.
Why don't we put some braille on it to let blind people know not to touch it?
How teachers in the US are going to be
My fiancé carries chalk in his car for opportunities like this one
Even smarter
Have I seen this before?
That is some good skills
Needs more realism
Trying to get millennials to buy homes the right way.
This restroom sign in San Francisco, California
This is a record for the number of things that can happen within five seconds
My dad in the Peloponnesian War in 418 BC. Didn’t know this picture existed until I came across it randomly on the internet. He cried when he saw it. Hope this is the right place to post it.
I'm the cook
Target doesn't staple some, they staple all of them
Creepy Arnold Schwarzenegger
What parents have to go through
Germans being germans
Surveying Fish market like..
First job interview of the year...
Bryan Cranston eating Pop-Tarts like an insane person.
It's necessary
Im told you guys will know what this is about
Are you sure they gave us the right one?
Another animal frozen in ice...
Selling drinks was not allowed at this music festival...
Anon's gender must be respected
How USBs are breaking logic
Small Angry Dog
Game over...
The guys in the warehouse where I work have a trophy wall of dead routers.
That's going to save you a lot more than $600
"And then I shit out a tomahawk missile"
I drive an 'old man car' so I decided to get an appropriate sticker...
Whoever keeps doing these, Thank you.
When the guy behind you keeps hitting the chair
The Gas Station Owners Should Be Ashamed.
Finally Got My Dad To Sleep
Talk about Niche Memes
Minecraft masterrace
I can't believe nobody showed up to class today
Sorry for not being wholesome
Gorilla Glue - thought it was funny the label started peeling off.
A coworker of mine slipped at work. Someone decided to post his face on the wet floor sign.
My dog welcoming me home from work. Best smile ever.
Straight to the point with their packaging.
When I was 12, I was attacked by a howler monkey in Costa Rica. My dad runs a tour and travel company down there, and I found this postcard on his rack...
A friend sent this to me earlier today. I laughed way too hard at it
My father is on vacation in Scotland
Snowday beast from the east!
The nurse, during my annual wellness check, suggested at my age I should have a bar in the shower. So I took her advice.
Seen at Emerald City Comicon
> Jesus is back.
Indian Trains in the Future
With these upgrades you never stood a chance.
I do not blame this man for his actions
A scientific approach.
Was treating myself to a scotch and logging it in my fitness pal...
Yeah, I'll take a refund please Jim.
When you just can't help yourself
Show some ***ing respect
Apple Tech Support
Even Mother Nature Hates Comcast
This slight won’t be forgotten. And Lannisters always pay their debts.
This penis in Czechia has been fondled a lot
Bad Acting
My wife dared me to go out in the snow in nothing but my boots....
Way to go, Carl
Every now and then I get a little bit terrified...
They must be having a hell of a time in the embassy
<Throws coffee mug>
It was at that moment Dave realized that teaching his dog to catch frankfurters was a bad idea...
What I'm reminded of when asking someone's gender these days