The nurse, during my annual wellness check, suggested at my age I should have a bar in the shower. So I took her advice.

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Seen at Emerald City Comicon
> Jesus is back.
Indian Trains in the Future
With these upgrades you never stood a chance.
I do not blame this man for his actions
A scientific approach.
Was treating myself to a scotch and logging it in my fitness pal...
Yeah, I'll take a refund please Jim.
When you just can't help yourself
Show some ***ing respect
Apple Tech Support
Even Mother Nature Hates Comcast
This slight won’t be forgotten. And Lannisters always pay their debts.
This penis in Czechia has been fondled a lot
Bad Acting
My wife dared me to go out in the snow in nothing but my boots....
Way to go, Carl
Every now and then I get a little bit terrified...
They must be having a hell of a time in the embassy
<Throws coffee mug>
It was at that moment Dave realized that teaching his dog to catch frankfurters was a bad idea...
What I'm reminded of when asking someone's gender these days
Customer asked me if I wanted to see a picture of his pride and joy
You and I both?
I discovered I can write messages in my girlfriends new blanket.
Advice for beginner yogaists
Elaborate bank heist
A 6th grader in my wife's class drew this comic - Lord help me
I wonder if she's worried about a yeast infection. . .
freakin' roommates
Planking: Level 9000
Your eyes play tricks on you
Let's come together.
Darkness Intensifies
Haha, such weird photos...
I’ve got a german shepherd!
No joke. This is how they sleep. Bert & Ernie.
New tow truck in town
Damn Ed has been lifting
Satanic Please
Found this gem in my local school art gallery
Take Pity
Not even T-Mobile knows what she does for a living.
the legend remains
Fun for the whole family.
The world is a cat playing with Australia.
My social skills
Marine of the month
Best school project ever.
its not mine
Ben SWOLO and Rey
Don't do it. He has the Highground and plot armour
Ishmael’s heading to the slopes...
Reason To Wear A Seat Belt
I had to double take
Dick from 3rd rock is cool af.
TIL what germans do while waiting for buses that are running late due to snow.
Bob the ***ing savage
This was tapped above the urinal at my local music store.
"I forgot how to dog"
Accidentally brought a Mac to Microsoft HQ today
Little Diddy....with Jack and Diane.
Oh no! Not Tom Hanks!
When noo autocorrects to moo
'Technically correct' is the best kind of correct.
He saw it coming
Well that’s racist, Youtube
**Beware** If you see this vehicle, stay away!
Would give this movie a watch
Love the IT Crowd
Police take on a Harry Potter "Dementor" in a local park and report about it on Facebook.
Only Once
Office Antics
I missed you more...
The joys of owning a cat.
Born Female
The greatest lifehack ever.
When your wife forgets that A) she never closed her porn and B) that bluetooth is a thing.
get bent
Ye fekin wanker
Give Gandalf a second
Mischief at the tshirt factory
At this point, I don't know if memes are inspired from events or the other way around though.
math is sin
Devious move
New gaming cheat ?!
My girlfriend likes to cut my sandwiches into weird shapes just to watch me suffer.
you had it coming
set this guy up to get my wife this worked great but my ears are still ringing
"Locals believed they were feeling an earthquake"
Gotta make it relatable
What if it's not a FBI guy, but a CIA guy?