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ZA WaRuDo!
is what i would have said, if i was cool, or had anybody to yell at in the first place...
Pepe Collector

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The Gift That Keeps On Giving
'Greetings fellow adult'
A random yet welcome gift from my brother. I have a 6 month old...
A man in the pub went to the bathroom and left Arnold Swartzenegger to save his seat.
I think my lizard may have murdered someone
Find you a friend that'll spit water in your face for your wedding photo
Turtles turn up
Browning out
Asking the good questions
Smash F9 to quick load
UPDATE: Feline continues to seek fully liquid state
Not just the kids
Me : Sit down. The dog : No You sit down. Me : Ok
Roommate is coming home any second now
Water tap at a local brewery. I got a good laugh out of it...
They keep it real in my school's Marching Band.
Modern Day LOTR
Aragorn's play date
if you're young, this might go over your head...
Libraries always surprise me.
does this meme still work?
In honour of Waste of Breath
'judge rules man's car his home'
If you're ever sad just remember...
This ad fit perfectly
My dog decided it'd be fun to play Where's Waldo? last night with my blanket
Mother said, marry a doctor
Smart warning poster
Well since you put it that way I’ll pass
When you are telling your Grandparents about your job and they have no clue what have you just said, but they are very supportive
Toronto Blue Jays shirt
Oh noe
Finally I found rock bottom.
Some Julius Caesar merch!
malditos colonizadores
I like my women like my baked beans...
I got the modeling job! I'm gonna be a model!
I am a sweet baby. Let's have fun together
You may not see it
Was told to focus at work today
Pic of two plump pigeons perched on the ledge but ended up getting a picture of two massive pigeons looking for their car.
Posted at the entrance of my college classroom today
I love you , as long as you don’t treat me like potato.
What a complex universe
When you tell your mom that you didn’t do that thing that she had asked you to do
My dad finally married the love of his life, here they are at their reception.
This vet in my home town always delivers with the jokes
They've always been prepared.
A local alehouse’s sign.
6 signs you're actually a cat
No, Elks lodge. They do
Found my cat quietly plotting how he's going to murder all of my fish.
The award....
This paint shops sign broke just right
Oh right....
It's back
Once You Pop... THAT’S GREAT!
Kevin saw it coming
Dont worry my momma got this
Give me.. sugar....
It still hurts. i will remember 28th of may for the rest of my worthless existence
You are offline
When I am 100, I want to be...
Restroom Signage
I do what I want...
Hey Auntie.
miss me with that gay sh*t
Or Vista
Indisputable proof that cats are liquid
He said he's disappointed he was picked as student of the month because "its too much responsibility for a 2nd grader"
Del Toro accepting his Oscar
cool dude
Canada's "No Name" brand really gets to the point
Dining Etiquette.
"Now, Ptahotep, repeat after me, 'eye before asp except after feather'."
Twins Spotted
ima go there
Are You Sure We're Going The Right Way?
My girlfriend got this business card from a guy while working at her family’s restaurant
not again
It was him...
cancer is evolving
Best. Reaction. Ever.
Evil Patrick meme is getting too real
Nah, I'm going to burn it on Friday at the gym.
I hear the new Mary Poppins is gonna be action packed
I have some ***ing doubts
Minions are god
Redneck Suspenders