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President of Hugelol apparently.
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Dogmeat found something
*Nervous smile*
Greatest Craigslist Ad of All Time
Thanks Jod
Can we stop putting children on leashes.
The joy of a smoothie after a bear attack
Almost had it
So Facebook reminded that I posted this picture 5 years ago today. On the exact same day the peace treaty is being signed by North & South Korea. The coincidence is killing me.
Understeer vs Oversteer
Conan at the DMZ
Ohh boy !
All new Men In Black
Dress of the year award goes to ..
On this day in 2010 I was fired via email. This is that email.
Wait. I thought I was The Barnacle?
Eggs anyone?
Omg Steve Irwin
Credits: Safely Endangered
am a good boi
The Spiderman meme is real!
He came back with that real quick
Dammit Daniel
Knock on Wood
The kids were told to dress like they were 100 years old for their 100th day of school so my son got a haircut.
Experiments whis glasses
Prince William. It's all about point of view.
Fruity pebble
Lost Child Announcement
Who else has this problem at home ?
Being out of wok can be depressing.
Dark Chyna
Elizabeth Olsen's Marilyn Monroe moment
Like a bro
I excel at excel
Anon gets roasted
Happy Asian gay couple with their children <3
Ain't that true............
Rammstein Programing
When the boss comes in and you're "working" on an important project.
Simplified English
Deadpool 2 Official Poster
There is always room for jail-o
When vandals have a sense of humor
Bruh lol
john lemon
Sorry my state is years behind......
I would listen to him, the man created zorldo
shoutout to the dude who left immediately after ordering this drink
My friend's cat had surgery and now he has no pants
Say what.
Decent costume,
Probably not what she expected he'd say.
I guess its free if theres no price tag
Sign at my work
I'm a hipster dumbass! We pretend to be stuff!
You already know where this is going...
I do agree with Alice
The scent of flagrant self-promotion.
When the car behind you honks and you look back and see this...
Definitely one of my favorite conversations from Austin Power
Imagine the pizza this came on
you only make this mistake once
This sign at my local church
Damn movie theatre prices
Don’t be like Bill
Only pain is real
Austin, TX Elementary School Attempt at Crowd Sourcing Ideas to Replace Currently Racist Name
My physics teacher is letting us straighten his hair before he shaves it for charity
Awe you guys made me Ink
The fuel light's on....
The onion getting cheeky today
Its been that kind of day
LOL Lunch break relaxation :P
Oh you delinquents
Ronald Reagan wearing sweatpants talking to staff aboard Air Force One on a trip to Iowa, September 1984.
At the orthopaedist‘s office
Always serve Salem the business cat.
Terrifying... Yet Durable.
In the lights of the recent tweet storm.
Most accurate Celebrities Read Mean Tweets.
little dancing crab
Not everyone has a Tony Stark budget.
Saw this in my dad’s office today... why?
Kitten facts
Can Lego be anymore weaponized?! My foot is crying!
Mortal Ennemies
Possibly the best photo I have ever taken of my cat.
shell shock
We love messing with the youngest guy in the office.