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President of Hugelol apparently.
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Squad assemble!
Kanye West be like...
Currently $3.64 just waiting for $4 like....
Jesse, its time to cook! I supposed to *** the strawberries?
today of all days
Fallout Neutron
>having dignity
This is a PSA
Bros before Hoes.
Sign at a Strip Club in Tucson, Az during the current Teachers Strike for higher pay wages.
Watch out, atheists.
Bob Saget with the important questions
He's being choked in the image lmao
That’s some shit
My girlfriend found this bumper sticker in a parking lot today
Don't do drugs!
When ya hold me in your arms, so tight. You let me know, everything's all right.
The ultimate torture for baby boomers
Anyone lose a cat? We decided to give it a bath in the meantime as she looked pretty dirty.
The science teacher said my project could be on whatever I wanted...
Not so much!
If you're ever confused about the scientific nouns for groups of animals, simply refer to this picture.
Stay safe!
Hello There
trumpet man
A confession to a friend.
A true coincidence
This teacher’s been a teacher before
Congratulations Disney, from Disney
Why does this font still exist?
Frog parking?
Basic LOL
Just missing Warner
What kind of math is this?
I think the coyote is coming out of retirement.
Flat is justice anyway
Always obey the road signs
I saw this chick on Judge Judy who didn't know she was Garth from Wayne's World.
Dwayne “The Doc” Johnson
I spent a whole hour on this
anon is a scientist
Just a reminder that Mother’s Day is coming up..
Its pissing rain in Colorado today
Posted at my non-American coworker’s desk. We here in the US are a confusing bunch.
Looking forward to Cars 4 with Lightning McMeth
E.T. Never Got Home!
be contained
It can't
2010 is the only year that matters
to a single post
Mexico is a great place amigos
I love reading prison reviews on Google when I'm bored
I was on Amazon looking at metal detectors...
Turf war happening outside my office
Patio Set
I'm beginning to question the credibility of my college...
The pool is open for business.
Finally. Something Millennials can't be blamed for. Thank Generation Z for this.
My wife’s cousin has an issue at her office in klamath falls
A gathering of all Dr. Pepper knockoffs
Oh won't you please take me home
I've found the weakest link!
Harry may not be setting a great example...
None of the parenting books I read warned me that my daughter would turn into The Undertaker when she tried to fall asleep
Chance of getting the job? Absolute zero.
The essentials
I can’t wait for humans to explore earth!
It’s been a rough semester
The best translation you will ever read
The DAMN reflection she said
Infinity War: How it should have ended
Not sure if I should be offended or amused
My community college said it best....
Upvote for respect
That's interᴱsting
The Electrical Cables Have Spoken
Surprised it wasn't a Florida man
Asking real questions
Hello darlin’
Woke up in the middle of the night to a notification that my security camera detected motion. Cue instant heart attack.
Cats; The best way to teach your kids actions have consequences
Only Guys understand this
Get rekt'd mother
This picture hidden behind the toilet paper at a maintenance shop.