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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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One of my favorite spots to eat: Laurel’s
EA and screwing up, name a better duo
Come with me...
Jim won the game.
Live every day like it was your last
Water fight anyone?
absolutely destroyed
Kill your son
Anon hears gunfire
oh no, I think I'll walk up.
My daughter wrote this fart poem in kindergarten. It's getting framed.
Just put it on his tab.
Welcome to the future
the fun never ends
Can I swear?
Wet dream
Some people are just misunderstood..
The apocalypse has begun...
Wasn't that hyped for Incredibles 2 until I remembered how thicc Elastigirl is.
He don't care
Things I love most
free real estate
I mean they weren’t wrong.
Please don'tn't sign this
Will they?
I said I was sorry...
The complex security for kayaks outside of Dicks Sporting Goods
I don't feel so good
The perfect pair of socks doesn't exi...
no, no it isn't.
What color is your pee?
This E-mail from one of my classmates before finals
*Mortal Kombat voice*
When you run out of Flex Seal.
Leaked footage of Spider-Man V Ant-Man
What the......
Southwest throwing shade at United
Our dog died. Neighbours kid made us a card. She Was embarrassed by it. So she scratched her name out and wrote her moms name instead. Was so funny that it actually cheered me up. His name was Ollie.
Another reason to avoid the Apple Watch
A sign from today's teacher's rally in Raleigh, North Carolina
We’re not alone in our universe
Limited to 30 feet tho...
I was expecting a photo of his grandkids...
Not so smart
Just call me Dikasso
"my generation music sucks, but im cool"
Some unexpected shade thrown by Meijer.
We are a flying spaghetti monster.
They may have removed it, but he'll be back.
Sometimes you just need a break
“Lenny, this is getting out of control..”
Don’t get Terry started..
No amount of money could make me do this.
Things in Hawaii are getting out of control!
Run Forest... Run
Road rage in Canada
get hyped or get out
Doesn't Korn just look like an older and fatter NSYNC?
Damn right
KIlling spree
Don’t screw with my gummy bears
Triggering triggers
My boyfriend’s aunt commissioned her coworker to do a family portrait for her mother. 6 months & $50 later... worth it.
I remember the Bible a little differently...
Stone Toad Steve Austin
Legend says SeniorTacos is still dabbing till the end of time
My uncle looking like Napoleon Dynamite back in the day......
Mom is THOT
I really hope I get marks for this, will report back
We need to show you love mama
I can see Cena, but I feel as though there's another dude that is standing so incredibly still...
How real men eat instant noodles
It's still better than calling for their mom...
Amazing experiment
My brother went to prom and we caught this photo of him.
Why is this in a schoolbook?
This guy on my universitys confession page understands the process...
Someone took this Guns n' Roses joke too far, too well not to post here
“I’m telling mom!”
Well Well This is in my Bucket List for sure!
kinda hot
When your surname is too popular
V for vegan
Pluto is family, and family sticks together