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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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What were they even trying to spell
After the Candy Corn *** thing, my aunt made me these.
I won't hesitate
I wish my doctor was this good :(
You may not enter
Another impossible body standard for women
Need a set of these to host a Tea Party.
This is how unpopular I am
Some knowledge about the japanese culture
Todd announced a very special edition of Skyrim, yesterday.
OMG that's so true ;)
Sign on the last day of school. Infinity no tag backs!
This lil tub pineapple cottage cheese has survived 5 years in our work fridge without being thrown out! I take a picture with it every anniversary.
Fly, you fools!
Good call,Chris
Late Bird
So excited
Pretty much, yeah.
This hot sauce bottle
Leaked footage from inside the White House
That's how Dinosaurs really Died Out
Holy Crap! I am Batman
Wendy's is savage.
got em
That look you give tot he barber after he gives you a bad haircut
Iowa DOT doing some good public service with this announcement
My supervisor went to see Deadpool 2 over the weekend. I came into work today and found this.
Quickly while no one is looking.
Turkeys crossing...
Found my soul mate
Lego's war plan
“I’m baked leave me alone”
Scoop Dogg
The hype is real
That 144p
My son just made a huge mess and this is his ''just let me explain'' face !
Senior prank at School on friday
Go Easy on Yeezy
What is happening
It took ME some time to get it
Every true American has one.
My pleasure.
Poker moves...
when you major in Design.
Clouds have feelings too
***ing Florida man....
This is why cash is king.
Explosions make everything better.
New Sitting Arrangement for Future Summits
Australian camping grounds
Hmm well a man ahead of his time
Damn, she's ON FIRE!
Very, very relatable
If it ripples, you better run.
Being gay is gay and that's gay
My buddy left Texas to help out in Hawaii. I may have doctored minor details in the photo. I'll donate $10 for every 100 upvotes towards those in need in Hawaii.
It was a rough weekend at our cabin
Everything is fuᶜᵏing BR
Unicorns aren't the only things that poop rainbows...
- I M P O R T A N T -
This is so sad, can we hit ourselves
When it finally hits that you really are having another one...
it's been 16 years and i still cant understand how the heck they got to sneak Scooby Doo in a plane with that costume
Can't stop laughing at these dogs underwater
She heard us getting ready to go for a walk.
So a guy came in and cancelled his Planet Fitness membership today.
I actually had to come out as straight
Dr. Horse
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
"But Chinese cartoons are a sin, that's destroting our children"
There really is no other way
She loves her head being scratched; until she doesn’t and turns on you in a split second
wait ʷʰᵃᵗ
Canadian goose
Hmm that’s not entirely how I remember it
Square it is
For Sale !!
Just a woman posing with a tornado, 1989
Nice day for a swim
Driving up and down I-95 over the holiday weekend with cops in all the emergency turnarounds.
This jet was surely shooting for the stars
Like cats and dogs
Hell ye boi
I made my wife mad so my kitty Milo was my date.
Wasn't expecting this result when I searched 'onomatopoeia'
Thank you for your service.
Please believe me!
Nothing worse than slow internet
King of the Hill never disappoints me!
Adoption at its limits :D
Well, that's how you do it.
[Sweating] heh I saw him just now, heh