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President of Hugelol apparently.
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Just India things
What a goddamn ride
My sister was gardening outside when she turned around to find our cat like this...
I see you weather station.log and raise you a coconut
Carrey Family Reunion
Doesn't a joke require someone to listen to you?
This is so sad, can we hit members of the subfamily Cricetinae?
when the headlines start with "Florida man" you know its gonna be dumb af
how to salmon
Anon has an irrational fear
The wifi was off?!
ya boi
well yes lol
A different view...
Vampires and Virgins
selfie with the squad.
This is how SoundCloud rappers get to LA
My favorite shirt
Shut up Kyle
So this just happend when my mom sent my grandma a meme...
Cats will always find a way to be where they don’t belong lol
I laughed inappropriately loud at the store
My daughter injured her chin today and at dinner received this fortune cookie.
This gorilla looks like he's having his undergraduate philosophy lecture outside since it's a nice day
Yeah... I didn't want to grow up, either
Immense Pressure
Jesus seems pretty dense.
Pray for Dingding
He had one job.....and he did a hell of a job.
and she denies it anytime i talk about her doing this
One of my co workers stepped on a bug outside our marketing department. A few minutes later this appeared
Did I drink too much, or am I seeing Scooby-Doo in my glass?
You’re not the boss of me
only place i’ll eat at
King James falling into the seats looked like some sort of renaissance composition
Meet patient zero of the next global pandemic
*** did what?
If my personality was a starfish...
My cat Furgus. He also doubles up as a step.
They don't make Em' like this anymore
How does one show taste?
Poor Terry will never live this moment down...
How Hitler was even more evil than you think
Real life kangaroo LaBeouf
Nothing really matters to me.
Cute friends
I wish someone looked at me like Michael Jackson looks at Freddie Mercury
I have no idea what it has to do with the movie, but if you say cocaine pairs well with a burger...I will try it.
As long as everybody happy..
Low self-esteem? Have a meme.
Nestle is going after the human race. Get woke people!
Annoying thing about working in customer service
Forgive me father for I may have sinned: someone put this under the windshield wiper on my Tundra
I don't feel so good..
Be careful who you make fun of in middle school
I wouldn't mind being stuck in this jam
This Happy Seal has got some tricks up his wings. It’s Not Safe to Sea.
The True American Hero
Free Coffee?
Bachelor status 5/7
Just what it takes to ruin your childhood.
The interns at my friend's office sure are special
Had to get help to refill the receipt printer at CVS
“Special Mowing Unit”
Delibarate Action Bonus
“Bet we can beat you at hide and seek Uncle David!” Bet you ***in’ can’t.
Get inspired
Lame template for shitty OC #1
Traps around the world ✘
My Kung Fu is strong
HDL gets bamboozled
This is some next level shit
Guess the Russian
*Muffled Pumped up Kicks in the distance*
new overwatch hero looks lit
Oh shit
Lost in translation.
“Roast me”
It's my first day as a Dad. It's already happening:
Your imaginary friend is not real
Friend was on a flight today and received this
Anon meets chad ᵂʰᵒˡᵉˢᵒᵐᵉ✔
Lil’ Woody
You don’t surf
Especially In The Dark
When a post has 666 upvotes so I give it one more
Sit down boys, the man is here
My dads been home sick from work
I guess we’re all gonna just pretend that this never happened...
Trying to enjoy life like..