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Please come back Tom89, shadowelve, LeHerp, Deznal and Null_!

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The unthinkable has just happened to my Grandad
god i hate women who aren’t 960 x 640
Importany distinction
Canadian version of 9/11
Mustache can ruin Your kiss!
Thanks mickey, you saved are childhood as well as poo's life :)
Pingu is de facto an anime btw
Clean shaven...
How to turn insane 101
When she realised her cat was out of the bag
a rare sighting of Trainy McTrainface in it's natural habitat
Very original post
History made simple
Thats exactly what happend at my home
Yo mama so fat...
Always help yourself first
At last...
Kill them with kindness
Reality vs LinkedIn
I am also incapable of human interaction
A co-worker posted pictures of himself in random places when he quit. This is the back of a clock, and he quit 2 years ago.
Damn it Richard i told ya, came yesterdie
Unforeseen difficulties
After visiting grandma
If it works, it works!
Your doin’ me a frighten
Canadian bathroom graffiti
Used the beer glass to draw a ding-dong for my wife. She was not amused.
This item flys off the shelves
My kind of car magnet.
the word
Knot knot
Thanks janitor
How my boyfriend and I used to be vs how we are now
This is how the girl in front of me slept on my flight
Call Me "a Super Model"
Call the NASA now
Home Depot advertisement looking like a scene from one of the Purge movies.
Run Forrest, Run
Damned meemstealers
history made easy
Stay woke fam
Some days I just feel petty
Elon Musk just can’t catch a break
Found in a bakery window
I’ll take highly suggestive children’s books for $1,000, please, Alex.
Fire Spiders
Jingly Schmidt
The front office staff found a way to make their feelings about anti-vaxxers known
Found this in the breakroom at work. Whoever did this needs a promotion.
Found an old favorite
I didn't know this existed 10 seconds ago, but now I need it more than anything.
I’m a grown man, but my inner 14 year old laughs every time I check my flight itinerary
This is how my Mum babysits my kids. She's onto something here.
Reality is pain sometimes.
What can I say except your welcome
This is so me!
When people think they are making a statement
Take every chance you get
Sky is the limit
Kid vs shadow hand
At least he isn't hallucinating.....
Yep, it's game time...
Peasant, my food bowl is empty.
This happened to me today. Still can’t believe she asked
AI attempting to assimilate
The rubber ducky souvenir from the titanic museum can’t float upright.
Just Shoot It
Home alone confirms this
This gets me laughing everytime I see it
Then I got hihigggh
All they spidies
Worth it
KISS have fooled us all!
Download more GB
Monday is the big day, OP! Finally get to tell Steve to *** off!
The rock hugging a rock
I accidentally Googled corgi ship instead of cargo ship... was not disappointed
I don't know whether it's photoshopped or not but I found it funny
When they tell you you can’t bring your own snacks into the theater
Time to commit die
Captured the exact moment that I realized I should have stayed home
Titel mustn't B empty
Clenching your fist will suppress your gag reflex, FYI
do it
It really be like that
Bucketface Returns
Put a coin even if you were to smile..
As long as you believe...
SO HAPPY it's my 1st day. Hope I do great