I’m a grown man, but my inner 14 year old laughs every time I check my flight itinerary

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This is how my Mum babysits my kids. She's onto something here.
Reality is pain sometimes.
What can I say except your welcome
This is so me!
When people think they are making a statement
Take every chance you get
Sky is the limit
Kid vs shadow hand
At least he isn't hallucinating.....
Yep, it's game time...
Peasant, my food bowl is empty.
This happened to me today. Still can’t believe she asked
AI attempting to assimilate
The rubber ducky souvenir from the titanic museum can’t float upright.
Just Shoot It
Home alone confirms this
This gets me laughing everytime I see it
Then I got hihigggh
All they spidies
Worth it
KISS have fooled us all!
Download more GB
Monday is the big day, OP! Finally get to tell Steve to *** off!
The rock hugging a rock
I accidentally Googled corgi ship instead of cargo ship... was not disappointed
I don't know whether it's photoshopped or not but I found it funny
When they tell you you can’t bring your own snacks into the theater
Time to commit die
Captured the exact moment that I realized I should have stayed home
Titel mustn't B empty
Clenching your fist will suppress your gag reflex, FYI
do it
It really be like that
Bucketface Returns
Put a coin even if you were to smile..
As long as you believe...
SO HAPPY it's my 1st day. Hope I do great
Alright now Nike has really crossed a line
Don't let your dreams be memes
"Oh my gosh!"
Hell na, I’m too cool for dat
Bad , but funny...
She has no idea what she’s wearing.
Maybe I should've stoped
sauce in the comments
My office manager put these all over our cubicles and doors this morning, pretty great way to start our Friday!
What's with all the burnt Reynolds posts recently?
Behold, your spine
Vectors of Politeness
Getting out of the shower and looking in the mirror like...
Damn that's pretty fast
we decided to get my niece a dinosaur head.....
Do we still do these?
Just wait till I tell them about rankine
Easy fix
My daughter's personality perfectly expressed through her outfit choice.
I have no regret
Upvote quick before it expires
Storage space running out? No problem!
Oh Andy
After plan A or B doesn't work, screw it
That’s exactly how it’s gunna happen.
Proper eye test.
Everything is hate
“Improvise, Adapt, Overcome”
There’s something about EarPods
My local news did an oopsie #RIP
Which stage are you in? HAHA.
elder scroll
I got my daughters daycare photo proofs in today. Ordering this one in the largest size possible.
We've come full circle...
Why is my bowl empty bro?
Whoops! Shes a fake psychic honey, I swear !
I can relate, Biggins
Woof woof woof
So Eminem?
“It was super effective!”
I have nothing against Kaepernick, but this got me.
Google translate in it's finest edition :D
Sheriff Buford was playing the long game.
Accurate magazine cover
Hilarious Wade Cosplay
Art World Problems
When Fox and Disney Meet
Finally whipping skrrrrrr..
Thanks for everything Burt. You'll be greatly missed.
This Mom has a great sense of humor.