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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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Marriage goals
Why do they continuously make live actions?
People getting real serious over these genetic heritage tests
At least she’s trying.
We all have to make sacrifices.
Let's bash a corporation for trying to attract a larger audience, thus increasing their profits.
My dad started working in PA and a sushi restaurant didn’t have his favorite roll from ATL. He ordered it for about 6 months so they put it on their menu and then put this up...
The pain is eternal Dave
Whoa, calm down people
Your average 2am guys
My dogs have some learning to do. Hehe
Oscars for the suggestion maybe??
When I thought my local paper couldn't get any worse.
Aloha seniors
One Day Canada Will Take Over the World!!!
Ordered a pack of random stickers on amazon, wanted to share my favorite one
Level Of Advertisment-Legendary
Just another day in Facebook.
Doing the sex is great, amirite?
Every animal understands betrayal
goodluck tho
The irony is palpable
Playing both sides
My counselor moved to a different office. Walked in to see this. Looked familiar.... wasn’t sure if I walked into the right place.
No removal for you
People have issues with Bert and and Ernie, but never said anything about Gonzo's relationship.
And I thought the Weebs were bad
Please come back Duddy -42
Ohh, yeah!
Nicki Minaj in 15 years
Face swap from cat to cat - hard to tell the difference
Nothing going on here, officer.
When you accidentally open the front facing camera and notice how cute you look today
Dont hurt me... no more
When’s it due?
Get 'em bois.
D O N " T
I see you mailman
Bullies everywhere
I can finally see what the clothes are going to look like on me
The clock is ticking
haha yes
Today was "Meme Day" at my old high school for homecoming week. I appreciate this science teacher even more now.
Found today at my local golf course. Tall order, but damnit if we won't try.
Every time the dogs watch me cook dinner
The only Melee character you need in Fallout 4
Good old reliable Adobe
Bonged to the limit
Penguin Movie
The dude on the North Carolina university Asheville website is holding a toothbrush instead of a pen
Pooh searched for honey in the wrong place...
Get ready to shit your pants
All your bread are belong to Tofu Chan
There are no mistakes...
Coffee or Tea
That's cold....
Double trouble
The world didn't give me enough purpose but when i see this
I had to give you a career...
Prepare for the ride of your life
They are special
didnt see that coming ..
jk I never ask anyone out
The notice on my job’s microwave.
Ain't no thing like me except me.
The cost of new iPhone
One drink a day, keeps the doctor away
Actual questions on my son’s Taco Bell job application
Endless possibilities
The real superhero!
Grammar y’all!!
You can't put IcyHot on a broken heart.
When you're trying to fit into everyplace!
Choose your poison.
Double false means true
Exact replica
Time to uninstall PUBG
Customer Service is 1st Priority
learning some spooky keys for october
Ignorance at its finest
The tables have turned....
Please come back Duddy -41
CVS receipt in art form.
It's not a story a normie would tell you
Dude has his priorities set.
I still remember the light. It was so bright...