I don’t answer phone calls anymore.. ever! Unless of course it’s the pizza delivery guy.

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Magic mixed with physics.
Ultimate f*ck up
Marriage Struggles
Friend broke his leg in a dirt bike accident this weekend. Pharmacist has no chill.
Stolen meme but this is me and my datemate to a tee and I wanted to share :P
Also he blacc
now thats a good adaptation
We went to Home Depot today, I asked my wife if she wanted to duck down this isle for a Quickie. She rolled her eyes and kept walking.
Well that kinda failed
Nyanpasu ~
Like cmon
Monday again.....
Camo level 100
My wishes!!!
Buyer wrote: “I got this tank top from Amazon. But they sent me a dress. On the plus side though, it does make my ass look great.”
No sh!t!
Never going to give you up
Cursed breakfast
Clattering Onion
Like this if you like cats :3
Mr. Clean
How to cleanup feed? Anyone?
Quote of the year kiddo
Where did you get this?
Thinking frog
Once I saw it, I could not unsee the vagineck.
Well, babies *are* scary
Thanks Ben!
My last cross stitch project.
Relatable Bart
Every plane movie
And left lol
Got a picture with cam newton today
When your mom thinks she found your vape
Same last name...What a coincidence!
Goggly eyes make everything better
Oui oui
When my husband picks our teenage daughter up from a friend’s house.
Oh god damnit
Calm before the storm
Bet the bully had the high ground tho
Can’t handle it
Nice lamp you got there
It means a lot
Somehow, that does not come as a surprise to me
The ejacu-latte
My handicap uncle is ready for holloween
"I want my lawyer"
Juvenile red tailed hawk
I'm so punny
Do they grow back?
Correct pants you must buy.
Ride-on lawnmower
How is this so accurate
The NFL this season
Just get it done
Loving my new bath bomb
Can I buy a vowel?
Sweet Home, Alabama
That's a good point
Karen, you cheating ***...
R.L. Stine Presents
Cool people
Bill waterson was ahead of his time
You got me again
5 year olds be like:
Russia sent the evidence to my inbox
Less thinking, more repairing
Meeting hugelol friends <3 <3 <3 <3
Found the Thanos of cats.
The end is near..
"I'm petrified of nipple chafing."
"Come on in!"
They shouldn’t be able to drive
Self reflection is important
For the people who sort by new
A rebel.
Banks HATE him
The smile is contagious
I think you're doing it wrong
I bet she's wearing a beret and looking very bored.
Too legit!
Leonard Ball
A Cat on Campus.
Is that rhetorical?
Picture vs Video Call