My mom was complaining about her internet being slow, so I checked when her old ethernet cable was made.

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Hi ! My name is Jack.
Fall in Florida
Autumn Meal Prep
Fk yes
When you girls like this on insta
Good guy papa john
My favorite birthday card ever. From my sister.
I do not recommend
he said that
A Backhanded Compliment
I took a 2 hour nap to recover from my earlier nap
When you go to get a flu shot and the pharmacist is your doppelgänger
Poster child
She didn’t get the memo
I’m ready for my close up....
I can do Science!
My rescue dog Allen
Memory Foam.
Cow photobombing a horse
This the right number
If I had a store
Sleep terrors
The Evolution of Horror
90 kids will remember.
Black Widow's fighting technique
No one thinks you're funny Karen
Vacation at Last
I don't think that's true
Burnout pie
oh no
My daughter was born sick of our shit
the discovery of calcium
Bongo Bebop
Poor Leif
Heit is mei oide gstrobn
"It's alright you can wake up 5 min later" said the body
Azkaban should be happiest place on earth
Hide and Seek Champions
Nothing can help
Oh shid
You've heard of Floridaman now, Kansasman.
Michael Myers is terrifying
Veey simple times
Leonardo DiCaprio is slowly morphing into Jack Nicholson
Columbus Day
Sex is temporary. SpongeBob is eternal.
Can’t afford 20” rims? No problem...
Hulk Vader
I walk a lonely path
Perfect solutions !!!!
My neighbor, using the gate to a fence as a raft, after hurricane Irma hit. He turned to me and yelled, "I feel like a true Haitian now."
Someone's jimmies are clearly rattled
Mouldy mildew, mother of mouthmuck, dangle and strangle and death.
Best greeting ever
Not gonna waste them
Turns out the Mayans predicted something right.
Went to a Renaissance Faire today.
This scene did not age well
A map of every European city
We're going to be late for school!
Want some snickers?
Applying for jobs be like
The “I need to talk to your manager”
How to be dad
Everyone in their marketing department deserves a raise.
"At the touch of her lips..."
updoot for calcium
Found this gold at NYCC today
Ancient Murals
ain't sayin’ nothin’ to nobody
New Game Release
Life hack
When the tables have turned..
An opossum got into my buddy's house and he snapped a selfie with it while he was carrying it out.
This bottle cap.
God of Mischief
Just Married
This comic strip had me at “Vegetable Stories”
Never seen one of these before... But wow...
Hour 1 of Disneyland vs hour 13 of Disneyland
Is this what it means to grow up?
Found this... So true
Local advertising, done right.
And it was stupid to kill!
Tried to get a sweet picture of my daughter holding the baby. The real gem is my wife’s panic face
You know it's gonna be a fun PE class when the teacher takes these out at the beginning of class.
A few years makes a big difference...
This gecko dangerous
This is actually the most accurate thing ever!
Looks dope
My wifes new coffee stand
Southlake PD at it again.