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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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Open the gates!
My sister takes Halloween very seriously . And yes, her dog is still very much involved.
Anon checks his privilege
Kyle's back at it again
Spoilt for choice
Easy profit
I don't know why she's not amused...
Killed it for you
well only one got the last blow
Can't wait to see the look on his face!
Don’t tell me what to do Skittles!
The housing market is really pumped up these days
Anon has a dream
Not much different from any other year, honestly.
They all got crushed
Don’t touch my keyboard
bet he is
and winner of best pet costume....
More Speed!
Types of girls
Side hustle holiday special
This should get the message across!
still think a congrats is in order
My FBI agent is not very lucky
The illustrator has a developed sense of humor
Do you want a balloon?
When you lean too far back in your chair
My nephew has a toy dinosaur which we call "sneaky dinosaur" because he looks rather ***ing sneaky.
It's time to stop
All about that view
The best type of comeback
Oh, well. Shit.
Pop! Goes the weasel
Free yoga class
Such a hero!!!
Milk loaf
My friends baby is only a few weeks old, yet is the most judgmental person ive ever met
I’m dying
A proud member of the Royal Canadian Air Force practicing his low altitude maneuvers.
It's hilarious cute. LOL. #CoupleGoals
Spooky Meme?
Successful Face Swap
Potluck at work today. Happy Halloween!
Catalog Model
I think this belongs here....
I see this Tesla all around the Denver area.
Potterhead parents
I was today years old
Agrees I do
My 96 y/o grandmother wanted to dress up like a Starbucks barista this Halloween. I think she hit it out of the park.
Cats are dumb
I dunno how they do that
Ram into them
I'm never feeding ducks again
This Trick this year
Like... In the p.m.
smart ever
You ain’t getting past 3
But its only 4:30 !
The secret texts have been found
Wait what??
Sound of Bumping Bees
wild as ***
Dang it’s right
Not even this year
Helpful review
Keanu, no!! oh wait.. thats more like it.
This is a 63 year old woman dressed as Post Malone
Struggle is real
Wait.. WTF!
Anon basically had sex (again)
Now I just feel bad
They are coming
I put up some rat decorations for Hallowe’en and when I came home last night this is what I was greeting with
After it's domesticated it gives birth to truck drivers. . .
get rdy
Quite accurate
No one can spoil your kids more than your husband!
Quick, upvote it!
Anon wishes he'd also be Russisn
How do you do that??
My instructor is playing training videos of himself from the 80s wearing the exact same outfit
360 slap
Took me by surprise I haven’t stopped laughing at it since.
Porn Hub needs chat mods
Be a smart artist :)
Sure hold still....
Speed is relative, Sir