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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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There is only Zuul
The Pain!
Experience has made me rich...
Best Fire Exit Ever...
Wild wars
Jonathan Stevens
The True Companions
a cat isnt that patient
When you want everyone to know ur a gang member but not hate you
Everybody knows someone like this
Cosmo is woke
Damn vets.
Saw this outside a church on my way home
This is my grandfather who served in the Korean War and this was taken a few weeks before he lost his battle with Lewy Body Dementia. I thought this sub would appreciate his sweater.
Dominos must be training a new guy.
Never go camping with a C-Section Baby
Very creative photo. I'm gonna try.
The last subtitle of the show stayed up during the commercial break.
That’s it guys!
So that’s what happened
Earliest tattoo fail in history..
No hooman... You have so much to live for!
Now you're a victim.
Dating Gone Wrong
Hate those
Yes yes very feminine penis joke here
Sed lyf
No one cared who I was, until I put on the mask
Me at sexy times
Relatively speaking...
Only this
It's OC, you should upvote it
Texas is big
Every god damn time
She got the big sad
Unlimited Power
Goddammit Thomas
Alwalys look out for the quality
Dad sent me a picture of him "having fun in Lord & Taylor" while Mom shops
Had our engagement photos photobombed.
That‘s a lotta churches
The signs at this Malaysian eating place.
Chewable vitamins are the best.
T-thanks but no
Better call an expert
Am I a joke to you?
people on NNN
Come here
Red Dead RKO!
poor blizz
I'm a slithery little sneaky snake
Whoop there it is..
Dont be sad.
Become the forest
Just use headphones?
Cut a lemon in half place it under the skin of the turkey to lighten up the holiday.
Can't beat that
My gf couldn’t understand why I was obsessed with this
I’m ***ing shook
A good summary of my day
When you're a romantic pianist but also a gamer
The eyes never lie
The Midterm Elections Right Now
Double bnana
After using Shampoo!!!!!
Why is this impressive?
I died of laughter
Found this masterpiece taped to my hotel door
MS Word
“Goddamit mom”
I know what it’s like to lose
Lol. Oldie but goodie
And here you find the dogg fish in its natural habitat.
Gillian Anderson. Gillian Withouterson
If only we all had this power..
Super cool trick!
they still think im a tree
“Tomorrow, I will eat healthy” - me, every day.
Nana on No Nut November
Wizard of the internet, King of the data centers, Slayer of cables!
damn you autocorrect
That’s a bold strategy Cotton. Let’s see how this one plays out.
i like this meme
Please, Press F
Chess on hard mode
Excuse me Karen
All of my kids could've done this...
And a 200% chance of "sir could you step out of the vehicle and put your hands behind your back"
This little girl is my spirit animal
What's he doing up there?
Fight for what you believe in
No thanks, McDonalds. I think I'm good.