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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath
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Like what do you say to that
Dragon Ball, sure...
You have nothing on me
Damn artists
Have you heard the tragedy?
yeah nice idea
My kinda passive aggressiveness.
From a swedish car magazine
Brushie brushie
Mg dad updated his profile picture and cover photo and I'm loving how they lined up.
At least try, Betty.
Life hacks.
The only correct response.
I love Canada
No doubts on that.
Happens every day!
Top notch sports reporting from Kerrville, TX
pimp lives matter
My maintenance guy was sending a message today.
Magic of love!
Went to the park yesterday, and saw this on a neighboring car.
Damn squirrels ate the teeth out of my Boo pumpkin.
Piano man
McDonald's employee
Chuck Norris was here.
I Don't Want to Miss a Thing
This is someone's paw paw
honestly tho
Dave Chappelle photobombing a couple’s engagement photos
roses are red, i hurt my teeth...
Bored? Solution ....
What is the answer?
We’ve all experienced it
Happy Veterans Day!
Look at this beautiful Florida swamp cat and her adorable kittens
I get confused a lot
Waldo’s Parents
Sleep tite.
Those poor Whiterun guards
What would you do for free WiFi?
Wonder who that is
Wtf are you lookin' at?
Works for every wet occasion.
KFC staying classy
I’d do that
I appreciate this menu's honesty.
Nespresso coffee descriptions easily apply to farts.
I’ve been standing here for 5 minutes and I’d have to disagree.
This gives me hope on mankind
My wife bought a book, and I made a summary insert for her
Well, now we know why they cover their faces.
This is taking forever
Well... it isn’t wrong
When you get downvoted for your comment
They hated jesus for he told them the truth
There is only Zuul
The Pain!
Experience has made me rich...
Best Fire Exit Ever...
Wild wars
Jonathan Stevens
The True Companions
a cat isnt that patient
When you want everyone to know ur a gang member but not hate you
Everybody knows someone like this
Cosmo is woke
Damn vets.
Saw this outside a church on my way home
This is my grandfather who served in the Korean War and this was taken a few weeks before he lost his battle with Lewy Body Dementia. I thought this sub would appreciate his sweater.
Dominos must be training a new guy.
Never go camping with a C-Section Baby
Very creative photo. I'm gonna try.
The last subtitle of the show stayed up during the commercial break.
That’s it guys!
So that’s what happened
Earliest tattoo fail in history..
No hooman... You have so much to live for!
Now you're a victim.
Dating Gone Wrong
Hate those
Yes yes very feminine penis joke here
Sed lyf
No one cared who I was, until I put on the mask
Me at sexy times
Relatively speaking...
Only this
It's OC, you should upvote it
Texas is big
Every god damn time
She got the big sad
Unlimited Power
Goddammit Thomas