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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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Judge not
My girlfriend’s sister sat behind a good boy on the plane today.
Big pp
We introduced the office dog to a new puppy today
serious question
Hello There
tis a rare claim, yet I am not distraught by it
Non Stop Horror...
The hard truth
BROOOOO! Do you see that shit? A floating dog head!
One of them isn't the same as the others...
really loving my new iMac
Anon is forgiven
Sibling rivalry at it's worst
a prince
Guy wins 30 million after getting dumped by his girlfriend
Big boi
I will set my alarm for 7:30am! No snooze!
Anon has 900 IQ
tfw your arcane immortality items are destroyed by a bunch of 17 year olds
I attempted to combine pictures of a dog and a bunny, but just ended up with a huge bunny
Hello there
Baby Jesus is having a good time tonight.
Don't laugh.
What a great show
Nobody wants then sun to be Putout
smol tongue big eye.
My fiancée gave these to me and said they’re for adding insult to injury.
The only ads that are acceptable
When someone knows you but you don't know them.
Outside a coffee shop in Austin...
I cant drown my demons. They know how to surf.
They protec
Impending sense of doom.
First one home wins!
now that's EXTREME
And brave like gurkhas
When you drop your keys right before unlocking the door after you had a stressful day.
Advertising placement in Dublin
But it is
This doctor showing the cat how fat it is
I am one with the interwebz
Coming to a theatre near you
I bought it for the stickers
Everyone else has their life together and is putting up christmas decorations, and I'm over here like....
Every exam ever...
Wet Floor
Polio doesn't agree
It’s whatever you want...
Never smiling again
Expression says it all
Poor guy,
Can't let em win
Gang violence is getting out of hand
My dad has been working for the same company for 37 years as of today. He’s had the same chair since he started... they are both aging pretty well if you ask me.
When she was kidding with her pet
Wasn't expecting that much.
Tell me you didn’t do it after reading this
when you can't afford a vacation
This dentist advertising billboard
Water you doing to help?
Well played 'Merica
you need to buy a drink first
Iq 200
Please be serious here, why do so Americans forget that no country outside of the Americas use Fahrenheit?
Snoop Dogg Thanks himself for Hollywood star
Jesus’s brother
Trolling 101.
Fake Boyfriend for Thanksgiving
Life hack, oh yeah
How can I compete?
Yup, every sentence is a meem
These make me very uncomfortable.
Effects of playing an instrument
We all go through changes
I think of this whenever I turn on CNN
Nice shooting...
My Grandpa cut a hole in his nice new fence so my dog could see people as they walk by .
He did it to get extra credit
Best one I’ve come across
Yeah, just drink the ocean? Duh.
Welcome to Walmart, get your shit and get out.
FOX is Savage
A real pickle
Always a new quote there is
Tommy is the best waifu
Upvote to stop a forest fire.
He’s not wrong.
Placebo Meme
Kids these days just won’t understand